Candy Palmer (Candy) —2/3 >
WOW! I need to learn how to use watercolors! Then again I whizzed through this pretty quick! Me and the Trac meister went to Michaels and picked me up some decent paints! for 2 bucks a tube they better be decent! But annnyway, Here's Drecan Elemair (YAY! A name!;) and Arwin looking kind of surprised? I dunno! It was just a pic to color! Hehe, ok gotta go! Love you lots!;)
I've been feeling in a Feline force mood lately for some reason. Alan's outfit is more or less due to the type of artwork I've been doing at my new job lately. ^_~
These guys are from a totally different furry universe I have known as Felince Force. We're in the process of getting it in comic book form! But enough rambling. This is Alan and Copy Cat. Alan is © ME and CC is © Bevin Brand. :)
EEK! I don't like these "filenames must be 8 characters long" thing, I'm having to rename all my pics! eeek! Oh well, heres an older one of Alan Drisclaw, isn't he cuuuutttte?;) he's © to me!:D
Alan now has learned, DON'T try to teach Candy anything that requires physical contact, you'll get the snot beat outta ya!
I know it's just a rough doodle, but I think this is a very nice and probubly one of my favorite sketchies of Angel!:D She's so cuuuuttte.:)
Here's Angel again! Another earlier one, as you can see the style is kinda off! Oh well! Angel is © ME!
Ok I really don't like this one much but I'll upload it even though the style is way off! I'm a BIG fan of Eric Schwartz, Amy Squirrel is my idol man! And I never miss the Sabrina Online comic strips, I love them ALL! So one day I thought, HEY why not make up a character, just because! And here she id! I have more of her actually LOOKING like Erics style but I'll post them later!
Now here's a story, about a little lemur who lives in a blue world. And all day and all night and everything she sees is just blue like her, inside and outside. LOL I love that song.;)
My boyfriend Fred surprised me Friday with a visit! He lives in Virginia so it was a 13 hour drive. =P Anyways I took him to the Arch Sunday and doodled this for him just because I had such a good time. :)
Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Awww.... Arwin looking all cute. Hehehe, even though she really insn't all that nice.;)
Happy Valentine's Day! Isn't that sweet?:D
EEW! Arwin looks horrible!!:P You can tell I didn't try hard on this picture! Anyway, this is another story development pic, well at least Reesher looks good!;)
WOW! Considering I sped through this one, This is a pretty dern good picture of Arwin! It's in more of my own style then Tracys this time. What dost thou think?;)
Here's my pumpkin pie Arwin lookin all sweet in her nice Celtic garb!
Bill the Bookworm! A character I drew as a kind of mascot when I worked at the library. Sure he's a twisted psychotic fellow but he's so cute!!
Well I got back from Tracy's house today! Man, she is the greatest and we had a blast! She's got a CUTE kitty named Calvin who I think liked me (HECK Half the night he kept shoving his nose up my mouth purrin;) But this morning he kept biting me while Tracy just sat there! Thanks alot Trac>:)
Heres an older one of my sweet FF guys, Alan, Buzz and the cat formally known as Raistlyn! Due to copywrite stuff, we had to change his name to Rastyn THEN to Merlin. I liked his origonal name better! POO! Anyway, my boys belong to me!;D
Well I haven't uploaded anything in awhile and I doodled this today so I thought I should put it up. Just a butterfly (duh) I doodled in Graphic Design today... Umm.. tada?:)
Here we go! A few other characters of the Feline Force team, Buzz and Kim. Though due to some changes with the FF staff, Buzz is no longer a kitty, but human! Oh well, I love the big goof anyway! These two are © ME!:D
Candy's not really bad! She just never seems to know whose side she's on! Oh well! Candy and Alan are © to yours truely!
I realised my old real life photo of me was a tad out of date. This one is only a few weeks old so I thought ehh, what the hell. ;) Taken my my little sister in one of her "dress me up in whore makeup and photograph me" moods.. 9_9
Just a cute picture of Candy Cat. ^_^
Look! It's Candy Cat and Bevin cat fishing! Or something along those lines. Poor Bevie poo.:) Oh guys my home page addie has changed too! desided to be STUPID and change everyones without so much as an email. NOW it's I'm not sure when it'll change here on my yerf update but we'll see.:)
Wow I sure haven't uploaded in awhile! Sorry guys! Anyway I haven't drawn Candy Cat for awhile so I thought I would throw a little something together. Hehehe haven't drawn a furry in so long...;) Anyway talk to you all later!
A pic done of me and my Ex. It's still cute I think.
Well I was going to use this for a possible redesign for my page but I desided against it but anyway, it's Candy Cat. Woo:)
Just another unused Candy Cat pic for an unused web design.:P ;)
Just an old rotation sheet of Candy poo. I HATE doing rotation sheets, but this one turned out ok actually!:D
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