- This is pretty much all she does.
- If only I could get her to do this at 3am when I have to work in the morning... No. To Hattie, 3am is playtime.
- Splash page from Mice #3.
- Don't let the horse wash the car.
- Finished commission of GrayWolf.
- First meeting.
- Guess what I have been watching too many times lately? No, it's not the "Horse Whisperer".
- Go lay down.
- "I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after" (Elliot Smith)
- I inhaled Krylon Fixitive in a poorly ventilated area tonight. I can see through time.
- Concept of a creator spirit, named Largo.
- Little drawing for Lost Dragon. Subtle colouring job, but I think that's okay.
- Behold the various types of llama. I hate llamas with the buring fire of a thousand suns. I want all llamas to fall of a very tall cliff. Goodbye llamas. Oh, these were drawn for Rachel Rachel Bo-Bachel.
- Probably the best sleep she's had in a while.
- Mary's back. And swingin' a fancy sword there!
- I have been inclined to ink trees quite a bit as of late.
- Little nothing special.
- Now that's scary.
- Travels will soon commence. A inked version of one of my portfolio pices that will be availible at Anthrocon - and it will be in colour, too!
- Well, Miguel is an angelic name...
- Stephen is silly.
- Drawn on blue paper with marker and coloured pencil.
- Save your nickles, kids. You can own this marvelous illustration at Anthrocon! (A billion cool points if you can guess the inspiration...)
- *snort* I drawed a sexy vixen. *snort* Lust after her, fanboys.
- Long live duoshade.
- Commission for Hikaru. Streak carrying Hazel as she casts a healing spell on a battle-victorious Nanook. Original is 11"x14". All characters © K. Dickinson.
- Panel from "Nezumi Manga" - a project for my Japanese class, and a story for Mice #3. It's in English 'cause I haven't finished the translations yet. Although I do know eggplant is "nasu".
- Not many things in this world are more captivating than a mouse with a mandolin.
- Nino gives Mary her sword, but she really has no idea what to do with it. Another image for my portfolio.
- I remember when she told me stars brought her the most joy...