< 2/10— Meike Thomas (DoodLeS) —4/10 >
Okay, the first pic I drew of KJ was.. bad. So here's a more decent one! Um, I saw his white shirt and just had the URGE to draw something on it. o8-} KJ Dog is © himself
Leroy popped into my head a couple months ago, and now I finally drew him to get him outta there! I like bats. He's mine.. but I hope he doesn't look too much like Erin's dingbat. o{8-.
I forgot why I drew this and why she's in such a weird pose, but it's pretty, yes?
A, the Air-Elementimal. Often can be found bickering with F, since they both are stubborn and full of temperament. Only while not around their boss, of course. Boss doesn't like bickering. Noooo, he doesn't. A is © me, too.
F, the Fire-Elementimal. Prolly the wildest one of the four, especially in combination with A. © me.
You know that "W" is the nicest, most quiet guy of the four LMNTmals, right? (Well, he does LOOK nice, doesn't he?) But he's got a little persona-problem. You know what happens to water around a too cold place. Yep, this is "I", the not-really-evil, but quite a bit more cranky half of "W". Poor fish, it didn't know what awaits it when it moved in.. Oh yeah, LMNTmals are © meeeeee!
Yeup, here are my Elementimals again. All four of them this time. This is W. o8-) I guess you already guessed it - he's the Water-LMNTmal. And yep, he *always* has that fish swimming about in his chest. LMNTmals © meeee.
Oh, um, yeah. Ferri Fennec and Maleck Fox, both © to Jamie.
Finally I found an excuse to draw Mary Minch, hah! Happy looking mouse she is, and Doo likes happy. It's fun to make people happy. o8-) Whoop, I'm getting outta topic here. Mary is © herself, yeeees!
Ratfink drew that REALLY neat pic of my klayen self, and I wanted to havva try on Noah sooner or later anyways, so HERE he is! (Hey, can't let you go away without a thankyou pic, Ratty! o(-) ) Heh, he looks a bit embarressed - I guess he didn't expect you to find him in a kid's amusement park. o8-) He be © Ratfink, uh-huh!
ThankYouPiccie for Helle, she draw a really nifty pic of W together with this PandaLady here! o8-) She's © Helle!
Yesh, I can draw pencil, too. o8-}
Prism Lightblade, © himself! QuickcomputercoloredIwasabitinahurry.
Another randomly drawn one of the Shadows. Questa is a higher-ranked bat creature. I think he came out looking real cool..! o8-) You know, when you put your screen on real dark now so that you only see the red and green and black outlines of that guy, you'll know what kinda athmosphere'd await you in that realm..! © Dood
Two new random chars, the latest neat duo..! Semi-colored. I think I like them both! o(-) So they © ME! Mememe! Heh.
That panda suddenly popped to my mind, so I drew her. Um, her name is Robin. And she can do amazing things with that spear, yes. No, it's NOT made from gold, I'm not THAT silly!
Selphie PsychoCat holding a.. um.. PsychoVision, I think. My part of an art-trade. o(-) Selphie is © herselfens!
Shaddy - er, heh - Ni'er Shading, president of Osider (smirk)! Isn't he just such a CUTE Squargling, pondering about his next political move like that? o8-) Athie lllllliked that pic! o8-D Right, he and whole Osider are © Athena of Axetron
Shamira and Abakan - chars © and commissioned by Reto Roth! And you know what? I REALLY can feel with Abakan. I'd do the same if I were him. o{8-}
It's Singing Dancing Madness! A beautiful dwagon being that moves swiftly and soundless, and its songs can drive you insaaaaane! But still, they make nice pets - until they grow too big and you have to flush them down the toilet. o8-) Naaaaah. It's just a beautiful being from that weird world in my head, © meees
Skippy, the.. er.. I forgot! o8-} I dug around in my old drawings today and found some chars I drew back then (at least 7 years ago, eep!), and I thought Skippy is cute enuff to be redrawn! I remember I made him to be some sorta monkey.. oh well, he's © meeeee! (hugs Skippy)
I drew this, er.. dog.. lizard.. THING a couple of days ago (as a result of too little sleep, I think), but not having time to color it properly (mutter mutter..) I just plopped a bit color in with Picture Publisher now. I called him Snowpy (patpats Snowpy). o(-)
Hmmm. Yeah, here's the 5th LMNTmal: Soul, Life and Death! Yup that's the whole name. Or just SoLiDe, for short. Or Sparky? o{8-} SoLiDe doesn't join in all the fighting and taking-over-stuff of the 4 others, it likes more to quietly stay with the boss of them guys. It barely talks and is kinda mysteeeerious, right? And it is genderless. And © ME! (bows)
Picture sez it all (the copyright stuff, that is)! I have no idea tho if Spotts is jumping there or throwing dice or just generally looking cute. o8-}
My second try on Tory, tried to get a couple of details more right. Tory belongs to herself!
Yo, happy cuddly Valentine, you all! o8-) Even tho it's a bit late now, technically.
It's the Voooooortex! Actually, it's a random Squargling. Squars are © to Athena!
Deathwalker! © to Warwolf. Man, he was patient. I can't even remember when he requested this.
Ratfink drews me chars SO often, gotta do revenging! This pic was pretty fun to do, too! The three witchcats. A picture that makes you wish to be everywhere but on the recieving end of THAT triple-stare. o8-)
Zirca A' Canidaey. This six-winged (Eeeeeh! No... more wings..!) jackal-goddess belongs to Fox Holshouser.
< 2/10— Meike Thomas (DoodLeS) —4/10 >