Ryan McCoy (The Erlking)
It's Three-Toed Bill! Fastest sloth in the West, sez my grandpappy.
It happens...
Hmmm, what a load of CRAP! I am Ryan, Ryan can explain: Ryan doesn't have a scanner...(it makes Ryan cry, but Ryan will survive) So Ryan has to go a friend's house to do Ryan's scannery. Ryan does not like this. So Ryan uses an art program that draws like Ryan's sister. (she's gonna kick Ryan) Here's Ryan's earliest surviving character, Duk (creative name, too!) Duk be © RYAN McCOY, so THERE!
This is my humble interpretation of a critter I had the pleasure of meeting when I lived in Mexico. He was missing an optical organ, and it seemed that one of the neighborhood children decided to replace it with a rock. I do not lie...(not even for ice cream)
I know you must be asking yourself, "what's HIS problem?" Well, if you must know, my parents tried to stuff me and mount me on their mantle. Needless to say, I was a little peevish, especially after they tried to pull my brains out with a hook. Anyway, I like iced-cream. Do you?
It's my buddy Spencer! He really DOES look like that! He's in Idaho, going to college. Did you know that it's illegal for college students to trick or treat there?? I'm glad I don't live there!
Ryan McCoy (The Erlking)