Kyla Martin-Van (Silver, Silver Otter)
My half of the trade with Aida de Ridder. Akai.. at the beach? Someplace vague and foggy, anyway. =) (I'm not very good with BGs. Cut me some slack. :P) It lost a lot of quality when I converted it to a pro-jpg, the colours were once more vibrant... but you can still see her. She's in there, somewhere. (And she's © to Aida de Ridder). That fish was drawn using my goldfish Percy as a model. =) It got all funky looking in the jpg version, I tried to fix it. :P Comments are welcome. Nobody ever emails me. Nobody likes me. I think I'll go eat worms... nevermind. :P
A picture done in a swap with Blinded Angel, aka Dawn. :) She's blind... which is sort of obvious. Thus the vacant look to her eyes. (They're vacant, right?)
Me and Sam were playing with the Bearplane when we were supposed to be making decisions. =) Unfortunately Bearplane was then confiscated. :P I probably should have put Kerry in this pic since Bearplane belongs to him, but I didn't know what to draw him as. ;) By the way, those are lazy fishnet tights that you can see through Conny's rips. Don't they look like tights? >< Ahem. Anyhow. Drawn at Kerry's house right after Bearplane was confiscated. Silver © to me, Conny © to Mara Sternberg, and Sam... is Sam.
Well, this one is is kinda of pretty old... yes. ;) But it's my first attempt at cel style colouring, so I thought I might as well upload it anyhow. It kinda got scanned funny so half of it looks bigger than the other half I think... (cuzza sketch book rings). But I was too lazy to rescan. Plus it took awhile for me to notice. >;) Anyhow, Cherry Hope is © to Lisa Payne, whom I probably owe many more pics to. =)
I didn't want to upload this one, because Silver looks all... funny. I dunno.. she just looks all wrong. :P But here it is, because I was pestered to put it up here. >.< Anyhow, this here hungover Conny is the conclusion to the drunk Conny series (tipsy Conny by me, drunk and then passed out Conny by Parrish and this is the final stage). Look how unfun it is! Don't get drunk! Yay! =) Uninked sketch, in which Conny is © to Mara Sternberg and Silver is © to me.
One for my one true fellow monkey, Conny Badger. ^^
Conny's tipsy. =) She didn't start tipsy, but the expression turned out sorta weird and we decided she looked tipsy... :P but anyway. Sam is our friend. Conny is © to Mara Sternberg. And that darn fish is mine. ;)
Just a small picture I did while passing the time beside Conny's window. She has a really nice window. =) Basically, it started out as just a sketch of Conny, but of course I had to add Silvie in the background pointing out how bad it is (in this case, the shading). Well, the shading is bad, but you can't really see that since it's a light scan. ^^ Just take my word for it. Or Silvie's. Conny © to Mara Sternberg, Silver © to me.
A very, very, very belated half of my exchange with Cybre. As an added bonus, I forgot the wings! >.<' Sorry sorry! Done with markers and pencil crayons... I'd like to get some Prismacolour pencil crayons sometime =) The lovely Cybre is © to Heather Wasneuski. Now excuse me while I attempt to stop my ferret from ingesting my destroyed mousepad. Mmm, foam!
A sort of apology picture for having done my side of the exchange so late ^^' It looks like she has some horrible, moldy growths on her back... well, those are her wings, and I'll thank you not to laugh! It was drawn during science class... and we were watching metals explode... and that impairs my wing-drawing abilities. ;) *eyes Cybre warily and begins groveling again* Sorry! Wow... I'm so pathetic. =) Oh ya, Cybe is © to Heather Wasneuski. Now, excuse me while I stop my ferret from breaking our CD burner... we just it replaced yesterday. =)
One of my characters, Felly Swiften. She may look sweet, but she's usually really grumpy... ah well. :)
Something for Sam, who is all hospitalized and probably in pain. =) He has appendicitis. And... stuff. You know how it is. Anyways, I brought this to him today, and for some reason he found it funny (maybe he's easily anused), and I think he hurt himself laughing. Or maybe not. ^~ But we watched Ranma and the Crocodile Hunter... happy world. This extremely sized down image is © to me, just as Silver is © to me, and Sam.. I guess he's © himself =)
Jus' an inked sketch of Silver I did... because I was bored. Yes, she actually does have a neck, her head's just a little bit lowered here. :P Cuz... she likes lowering her head. =) It's fun, try it! You may notice she looks very short. This is because she IS very short. I just you might like to know. =) And she's drinking hot chocolate. And she's © to me.
Happy Valentines Day. ^^ It is very pink. =) I haven't done cel style in a while so I decided to practice it. Anyways... Kahlua says, Love hurts! I wouldn't know, apparently she does... :P Lyrics are by BOA... same peeps who did Duvet for Lain. Oh, and originally there was blood on her head bandage and she had a black eye, but I felt so guilty about doing that to Kahlua I took 'em out. <=) Figures I had to do a pic like this for Mush day. :P Kahlua is © to me, and lyrics © to BOA.
Ahh, TV... this was the beginning of a comic that I was too lazy to finish. You'll never know what happens next! Mwahaha! X) This was drawn a long time ago, on the winter break. But I decided to colour it quickly and upload it because I know I'll never finish it. :P And I know I still owe some people requests (and emails)! I have so many tests (and then exams) at school right now. Several every week. Rr. Then EQAO testing. >:P Anyways, Silv is © to me and Conny © to Mara S, and if you want to know what we're watching onna TV... I might tell you if you email me. ^~
A joint pic that I did with Conny and Parrish. After I drew the piccie, Conny inked it and Parrish coloured it (with markers). I believe it's okay to upload since I did the actual sketch? ^~ Conny has an incredibly different inking style than me... thicker lines. I was thwacked into uploading this. =) The image of this random kitty is © to us'ns. ^^
Ahhh, I finally got this done. New sort of colouring... I tried cel style with some dodge and burn as well. :) Did it turn out well? I dunno. Naughty Kahlua, you should wear knee and elbow pads! Not to mention a helmet. I will never rollerblade without those things again... I knocked my nogin good. :P But then my friends get their jollies from watching me get knocked about... ~_~ Um, anyway... ^^' Kahlua is © to me, don go stealing her, hear? And her rollerblades are © too! Hah! ;)
A thank you picture for a tape distributor. This is actually quite old- from last summer sometime (never got around to uploading it). Busy with exchanges. =) Cel style-esque coloured Silver and Kahlua, who are both © to me. Yes, Kahlua's eyes look funny. You're not crazy.
Not finished yet, I'll pull it down later when the final version is up. I don't even know the real reason I have to post it right now, but I hope you're feeling better, Conny. ^^ (And if it cheers you up anymore, I'll have you know I was nearly murdered by ferrets while scanning it :P). Anyway, the otter here would be Pippin, me ottery chum. =) Conny and her don't get along. Don't ask me why... ^^' Pip has asked me to colour it with markers, so that's the media it'll be up in later. Pippin © to Maya R.W, and Conny copyright to Mara S.
Ow. My hands hurt. :P This is for Linn's birthday (obviously)! It's only a day late, which is really good for me, considering Ali hasn't gotten his pic yet, and his bday was in February. :P I tried to finish this last night, which was stupid, because I was tired. ^~ I was too lazy to color it, so I toned it- with fake computer made tones. Apparently I didn't do a very good job. If anyone has tips for making tones, let me know. :P Kahlua (who has her hair in a bun and looks kind of demented) and Silver (slightly less demented) are both © to me. =)
Oh I applied with such old pictures. >.o Anyway, here's Silvie, who's looking rather, um... happy. =) Perfectly portraying her personality. It's really small... but I like drawin' small, nyeh! ;) Silver is © to me, don't steal her... she's too happy to steal <:P
A birthday present for Mishi. =) It was sort of rushed... and... I'll stop there. I get bashed for self critisism. :P I did do a couple other pics for her (for not finishin' her birthday pic last year) but one of them got crumpled up and thrown into the garbage, as all my pics usually do if I leave them on top of my sketchbook rather than tucked inside. -_-; Oh well. Messed up Mishi on a swing with no background. =) Mishi © to Amy Gorman.
*pokes Mishi* Here is your other picture (the one that wasn't mangled). =) See... I have this awful habit of drawing furres looking at things but being to lazy to draw the things. :P I should robably stop... no, I should probably draw what they're looking at... I also hafta stop drawing everything on lined paper in class cuz I'll get whupped if I post 'em here. ^^ Anyways, slightly horrified Mishi is © to the super talented Amy. =)
My Christmas present to Conny. =) It was finished the day after christmas, and I would have liked to upload it closer to then, but of course it was her present so I had to give it to her. ^~ (She scanned it, like most of the pictures with Conny in them '^^) Anyhow, like most hand coloured pictures, this one looks a lot better in real life. (Opposed to fake life. :P) Another marker and pencil crayon picture. I tried to lighten it a little in photo shop, I'm not sure if that made it look more scratchy... Conny © to Mara and Silver © to me.
It appears to be Conny the long-tailed badger and her rat, Ayanami, whom she is utterly devoted to. Unfortunately for 'Nami, this is my first time drawing a rat. =) Woeful twist of fate! You can email me at [email protected] now, but I still can't reply. Comments would be appreciated all the same.
Cursed purple bows, always coming back to haunt me...! This would be a birthday pic for Wonderhamster, which was (of course) fairly belated. =) But her pic for me was even more belated, nyeh! And it involved more purple bows in Silver's hair. :P Aaanyhoo, the shading was done very fast because I had to go to her house to give it to her! But I was 45 minutes late anyways. Ha... Yes, I'm always late. :P Wonderhamster © to Dara S.G, and Silver © to meee.
I got bored in french class. Real bored. Coloured at home. The bottom-y region of this picture has that snazzy unfinished look to it. :P Where's the back of her neck? Silvie, looking uncharacteristically pouty... © to me. Adieu.
Thissis Reii, my part of a picture exchnage done a little while back. =) There's also a markered version. I reeeeally had a hard time doing the legs, I don't know why, it was just... one of those pictures. O.o Ho well. ^~ So anyways, image is © to me, and the char © to the player.
This was done in like 5 minutes at school, and as always, I was doing my homework in class (not the class it was due in, silly!). And I didn't have time to give her proper shoes or clothes (or proportions). I know I owe some people pics still!And I was going to watch Kiki's again tonight, but I feel sick cuz I just watched Dancer in the Dark (SUCH a sad movie, but so good!) and.. wait, you don't care. =) Silver is © to me. Don't eat ice cream and pizza together when you feel sick. Well, actually, go ahead... but just for the record, it probably won't help you much either. ;)
I fiiiinally finished colouring this =) Well, it's not done yet, because I want to add a bg and fix the flames (I really can't draw fire, did you notice? :P), so if I ever do that I'll probably put it up and delete this or somfin'. =) I haven't seen Taya for awhile, so hopefully I can present this to her before she sees it... then maybe I'll get my half of the trade ^^ (which, of course, was finished ages before mine -_-') Taya © herself. I need a bagel. Toodles. =)
Kyla Martin-Van (Silver, Silver Otter)