Michael Maimone (Kendel)
Ah, come on let me outta here.....Please?
Here's a new character...Ahrens the Firefox, its a direct steal from the Ahrens Fox fire engines of the early to mid 1900's. The scanner kinda ate the pic a little... :/ Well, anywho...a firefox's job isn't all fire fighting :D
Recently I suffered a loss, and my artwork has turned meloncholly. I guess it's a way to deal with grief. Well, here's a crying wolf.
Here's what happens when you feel a little depressed about things in your life and you decide to draw. Hope you like it.
Well, i heard the story of what happen when the couple met...unfortunately, when drew this pic, I put Timebase in instead of Tet...Any who talked with the parties involved and they decided it was alright as it is...Anyhow...enjoy
This is the result of drawing late at night while watching a certain war movie
If you can't find anything on the tube, why don't you just curl up with a good book? That's exactly what's about to happen here
A wolf in a snazzy suit whith his paws in a rather hard position to duplicate.
I don't think I could make it as a cartoonist, But her's a mouse for you anyway.
Alright so I haven't uploaded anything in a while, so sue me. This is just a quick negative. So enjoy:)
Nikita just out for a walk.
I know its been a long time I last uploaded, but I am now. This is a little fox head I drew today. All hand painted... I hate paint programs ;)
remembering old friends.....
Well, I gues it's about time for this little guy to show up here...This is a lovable mongoose that *wooshes* around yiffnet looking for that perfect shoulder to curl up on.
Hehehe...This little picture is autobiagraphical. That's my sister and I a long time ago. We don't fight anymore ;)
Well, here's some one that's been rollong around my head ever since I learned that Zorro meant fox in spanish ;) So here's a new character, unfortunately, at this time I have to deal with a cheesey scanner. So any who, unless someone out there claims this name, I may just calim it for myself :)
Michael Maimone (Kendel)