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Trying several different things in this picture. I just want to say, though it may not show, Socar Myles' art is definitely an inspiration in this particular piece. Tried to make the gryphon a little ratlike. *g*
I haven't draw a gryphon in a long time... sooo... gryphon!!!!!
A gryphon hunting for his dinner.. and I think he found some. Looook I did prespective!!1! And I'm sure it's full of painfully obvious errors.
The second piece of a two piece commission! Yes, it's another Gylarian, with a human in there for size comparison.
This was a commission. It's a type of dragon called a Gylarian. It's Pterdactyl-like as far as the wings, but has neat adaptations that allow it to spit fire and carry humans very realistically. The concept is copyright to Steve Simshauser.
I did this in one sitting. Which was probably a bad idea. :O Anyways, I kinda like the style. I'm starting to get frustrated with Painter Classic though, it keeps telling me I have insufficient space to save the file, even though I have over 4 gigs free. :/ It may be incompatibilities with Windows 2000, but I hope not.
This one's kinda old, but I rather like it. It was a gift for a couple of friends going through some hard times. Oh yes, poem by Muse, another friend.
A picture done for a friend when he was feeling down... I love ya Hosea. Also a case where I like the zoom better than the entire picture. You can find the whole picture... uhhhh.. somewhere I'm sure. Hosea belongs to his creator.
I love you Hosea...
Ohhh, just your usual strange creature with a disturbing amount of joints howling away at the moon, as strange creatures (sometimes with aforementioned joint problem) tend to do. I'm missing my computer, but I have rekindled my love for ebony pencils!
This picture goes with a big thanks to a very kind dragon who helped a very stupid gryphon through some tough times... I love you Hosea.
My retarded bird is scared of her own shadow, so of course she'd hiss at an iPod. If I had one.
Look out! This was done as an experiment on texture and architectural perspective, so any comments in that area in particular would be super appreciated! Oh sorry, I really really REALLY tried to stay away from the purple sky, but it just didn't work out! *le sigh* Also, for those interested in an original piece from me, I'm offering a commission auction on Furbid:
The desperate mage raises her hands and staff, calling upon the magic swirling thingies as a last ditch effort to save herself from the hungry desert wolves. Yeah yeah, this is my last old pic!
One of my first *successful* pieces in Photoshop. Maggie the gryphon goofs around with some mage lights in the dark. I like night...
One of the very few pieces older than a year that I still like. A dinosaur/bird type hybrid looking around. The crap in the corner is trash. I don't know what the silver thing is either!
Maggie and Hida share a kiss in fromt of a sunset... yes, my ex O____________o
Long time no upload. Actually I do have some new art in my Epliogue gallery that I can't upload to Yerf ( in case anyone is *really* that starved for my art. o_o At any rate, this is for Likeshine, a most excellent gryphon. :)
A surprise present for my two good friends Illucian and Eclipse. This picture was such a memory hog on my computer! :}
Illucian the light dragon soars through a star-filled night sky.
Okay, I've been holding back my art for a while, but I finally decided to update. Here's Lyosha in all her colorful gloriness.
I *finally* got enough sit down time to finish this up. I call it "A dragon with a handful of pixie stix is indeed, a terrifying sight to behold." Ly'szeth is intellectual property of her creator.
I made a little con badge for me in case I ever actually go to a con! I'm also trying my hand at con badge commissions, if you want one, go here:
Maggie as a were! Heeeeee.... Painter doodle.
I got Mitya for this month's Trading Post, and this is what I produced. I looked off a photo for help with the piano.
Ma head! I was having trouble with doing falcon beaks correctly so I whipped this out with the help of some photo references.
A picture for Nambroth.. she's exploring some woods!
A picture for Naryu, an arctic fox Kitsune. I've never drawn an arctic fox before!
I did this when I was feeling lonely... before I finished it I realized I wasn't nearly so lonely as I thought. If you can't see two gryphons, check out the zoom:
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