< 1/2— Louis LeClerc (Piccillo)
Resident Evil this time :) I think I will spare the furry commmunity my love of zombie movies, however :) <C> me!
A lovely female skunk, noone I know (unfortunately). Oh well, mephits can dream can't they? <C> Louis LeClerc
A trio of futuristic felines, each done in a seperate style.
A trio of futuristic felines, each done in a seperate style.
A trio of futuristic felines, each done in a seperate style.
A picture of Sparkstealer from FurryMUCK, the cutest little tiger-pixie on the muck (at least, when she dicides to use that morph!). It's done in a more 'realistic' style, especially the face. Hope it is to her (and your) liking :) Sparkstealer is <c> her player
My first comissioned pic! This is a pic Fazaar (hope the name's right...) wanted of him and his lady-love (who are unfortunately seperaded by a considerable distance in RL) so I tried to make it a bit extra-special for them :) Fazaar (and friend) are © their respective players
Look ma, a fuzzy pic that's NOT k00te and cuddly :). I love doing the fantasy-type artwork, but up 'til now I've always done elves, humans ect.(stuff not fit for the SCFA!). So I finally broke my barrier between anthro and fantasy. Hope you like it!
A picture of Ultravixen, lovely femme of FurryMUCK. I just _love_ the age of the swashbuckler, and her @desc is so period ^_^ Not quite what she normally wears, but I think she won't complain (at least I hope not) Here's to you Ultra, from one of your admirers :) Ultravixen <c> her player, of course.
Just a simple scetch done at a friends house...a study for a comissioned pic (my first comission pic will soon be done! Yay!)
A trio of were-wolves slink thru the underbrush, looking for prey or perhaps some campers to scare the bejessus out of. Copyright Louis LeClerc.
< 1/2— Louis LeClerc (Piccillo)