MaryBeth Kiczenski (SuperCrazzy) —2/7 >
An "Armageddon" inspired pic... its of me and my cute and loving boyfriend, FoxFoward.... ::sigh:: --SapphireWulf (me) © me, FoxFoward © Greg Leppert
This is a re-load of the "arm-ff" pic. FoxFoward added in the background.. since I have no clue how to use Photoshop.. Thankx a ton FoxFoward!! ::hug:: --background ©touchstone pictures(?), sony music, Aerosmith.. ect. --SapphirwWulf © me, FoxFoward © Greg Leppert
The way cool Artie Prower requested this pic back in July... and I FINIALLY got to scan it! Sorry it took me so long! Hope yous like Artie! (and Che..) :) characters © their players
Cute expression.
Mariah Lombardi! A birdy character created by Nalija acting all innocent and kute... Mariah is copyright to Nalija
'Tis Sapphirewulf! Ummmmm.....dat's interesting... rollerblades on sand.. hmmm..... PS: I'm practicing my photoshop tricks....and bear with me im still not that good with it. Hope yous like. Saph © moi
Big Blue Fox! My first commission for a fellow furry artist on YERF!
A requested picture of a golden retriever character for Becky. Hope you like it!! Art © me, character ©Becky.
Blaze the Fox. He's another cute friend of mine! He's so sweet, and owns his own webpage!!
Bones Collie! He's the six-year-old sidekick of Super Crazzy. Bones is a border collie, and has two different colored eyes. Bones is copyright ME!
bones. the border collie. i don't like the scan like at all, but you can see the picture good enough, i guess. :)
Wowies!! It's been like 3 months since I've added anything!! I wanted to post something to tell yas that I'm still alive here.... I just haven't had access to a scanner and still havent had access to one in 3 months! Sheesh!! Oh, and if any artist wants to draw my characters, feel free to, and I'll post em on my webpage!!! I love "fanart!" ::hehe:: Byeeeee!
SuperCrazzy....buzzed..maybe? haha.
practice with photoshop. trying to make backgrounds a little better......yea...
Kitty on a night. Nuttin to special, just playing around with charcoal and pencil.
The fox/cat is a cool friend of mine. Her name's Cornerinette.
Lookie! This is Cedar Wolf, another one of Super Crazzy's pals! Seh just loves to smell the flowers! She is quite a character, too....
ME BACK ME BACK!!! (well somewhat) I'm suffering from scanning wiiiithhhhdrawwwls!! ::sigh:: Anywho, here's a wuffy-grrl, I'm thinking of using as a new look of Cedar Wolf...but I'm not sure. I just sorta liked the way this pic truned out.. ::shrugs:: Wuff © me!
A running dragon. :P
Ahh.. here's something u dont see everyday, a dragon with feathers. Looks kinds neat, too. :) Dragon (C) Me!
Mina Cheetah-- an innocent fun-loving Sonic-fan cheetah. Mina is c-right to Nalija
Cheetsy Coyote, bad wizard character. I'm just trying to make things look evil... i have a problem with making things look mean.....yeah....
This is a pic of my pal, CJ the cheetah! She's acting all cool or something... :) Anyways, hope this gets up, since this is my FIRST attempt at uploading! ;P
Cheetsy Coyote.. the big evil canine wizard himself, trying to act all evil and cool. Cheesty is copyrighted to me....
YEEHAA!!! I GOT ACCESS TO A SCANNER!! Anywho, here's a very sad piccy of a Confederate soldier who comes across his brother who fought for the Union. ::sniff:: This is my sencond experiment with Prismacolor colored pencils!! (I get to use expensive stuff in art class.. hehe!) Foxies © me, The Civil War © USA?
Here's the black and white verison of my Civil War foxies pic. I wanted to see what a pic would look like black and white and in color... Once again, foxies © moi...
I love computers. Yeah, that's it.
quick computer colored sketch of my coyote bad-guy. i am not that good at "evil". but i try. :)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! I found dis pic that I made 2 years back and thought yous guys would like to see! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
SuperCrazzy cartoon-like cell viynal i did back in May or so. I like how the scanner picks up the glare. ha.
MaryBeth Kiczenski (SuperCrazzy) —2/7 >