Patrick Keith
Almara is a character I'm developing from the southlands of Ernor called Tuscan. She comes from a time period LONG after Whitepaw and Hask. I had written a short story featuring her a couple of years back and only recently anthromorphized her, she originally started out human. I haven't named the thing she's riding and this is the first concept sketch of whatever that is. It will eventually look different but will still remain the primary diet of those at the top of the food chain in Ernor.
Here's a character that Vicky ran in a an AD&D game a few years back. This is sort of a departure for me since I specialize in dragons. The character was named Amalthea after the human form of "The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle. Any other similarities between the two characters is virtually non-exisistant.
This is a cute piece I did after the Red Steele expansion for AD&D came out. In that setting players could be Lupin and Rakasta characters in a swashbuckling setting. I thought it would be funny that a Rakasta would be scared of a rat. Apparently the Lupin thinks so too.
Concept 1 - Here were the three main characters of our initial Ernor story as they were originally designed in 1995. They are called Ocktons and are loosely based on velociraptors with a dash of primitive culture thrown in for flavor. Vicky later took these designs and refined them to a more simple, "animation-style" design that was more adaptable to the comic book format. The coloring is based on my original marker design but has been updated with newer Photoshop rendering.
Concept 2 - Each clan of ocktons has a chief, or in this case, chieftess. You can tell males from females by the color. Male ocktons are cool in color (blues, blacks, greens) while females are warm in color (reds, yellows and oranges). Once ocktons grow suitably sized they become dangerous to their surroundings and "retire" to a single village known as the Greycrest Village where they live out their remaining years in companionship with one another.
Concept 3 - The Araku bird-creatures were early antagonists in our initial story concept which mainly stemmed from Hask's view that winged things were evil. However, if one only sits down and talks with an araku do they begin to realize that the araku culture is surprisingly similar to the ocktons. Once again, this reinforced the theme of tolerance and acceptance of exotic cultures that are prevalent in the fabric of Ernor.
The first of six images in the DragonAge portfolio. These pictures were drawn over a large time-frame and show a consistency of style and development. The images are printed on 80lb card stock and are available for sale at
The second of six images in the DragonAge portfolio.
The third of six images in the DragonAge portfolio.
This is Equinox with his trusty lizardman companion. This was a character I played as part of a Council of Wyrms campaign quite a few years ago. The original has since been damaged but the printed image now resides as part of the DragonAge Portfolio. I can't post the last two pics since they also have girls with the dragons but you can see those at - Equinox is ©2000 Patrick A. Keith
The line art of this dragon appears on the cover of my 'DragonAge" portfolio. The original is 8.5 x 12" and still lives in my sketchbook. The printed image on the cover of the portfolio only measures a couple of inches across so I thought I'd post a larger image to see. At some point in the future this may be offered as a print.
Work is continuing on the dragons! This one is also graphite on 9x12 watercolor paper. Soon I will take gouache to it and he will be green.
"Destrev" is a concept painting of a dragon villain I have developed for an upcoming story. This is 8.5 x 11 gouache with airbrush on watercolor paper. This will be going with me to ConFurence 11.
This is a series of dragons I've done which will be in Living Room Games' upcoming DRAGON sourcebook for the EARTHDAWN Role Playing Game. On to the inking!
This is sort of a take on an eastern style dragon but I think he came out as a cross between the dragon in the Neverending Story and Worf! Oh well...
A little severe here. This is what you see just before the flame burst. Say ahhh!
I like this one the best. He has a sort of regal quality.
This guy's got kind of a wild look so don't try flattery on him - it'll get you toasted.
A pic inspired by Red Steele. I'm not sure if the dagger belongs to the Lupin or the Tortle, but she seems happy to get it and he seems reluctant to give it.
JEDI - original 2700 x 3600 pixels Photoshop - I don't know if this is actually fan art - these were a couple of characters in the Star Wars RPG that I ran several years ago. I've also updated <> with some of my other fantasy art, too.
This was a character I had considered playing in the Red Steele campaign but I couldn't get anyone else to run the game. This was one of the first pieces where my inking style began to develop into what it is now. Although the form is rather loose, the inks tighten up the picture somewhat.
"The Hunters" - I've been wanting to paint ocktons since we originally began the Ernor comic series. Armed with my new set of gouache I began to tackle this project a couple of days ago and finished it this morning. The technique is starting to develop but I still feel I'm a long way off from where I want to be. The original is 8.5 x 11" on watercolor paper. If I'd had the facility to paint this larger, say 16 x 20" or so, the detail would be a lot tighter. As it goes - I like the rocks.
"Evening Perch" is 16 x 20" acrylic on hot press Crescent board. This was painted in '91 and the sky that is in the original painting is nowhere near the image that is in the current version. I was unhappy with the effect of the clouds in the original and replaced the background using Photoshop. I may, at some point, go back and rework the origianl image to match its digital counterpart. First run prints of this have sold out.
This is my first experiment with HB and Ebony pencil on watercolor paper. I had no idea what would come out. I really like the way the tooth of the watercolor paper grabs the graphite. I think I've just found a new favorite media for myself. This has already been transferred to another board so's I can try gouache on it.
Here is the finished gouache on watercolor paper. This is the first gouache I've shot through an airbrush but the effect is very similar to the other acrylic stuff I've done before. The nice thing about gouache is it cleans out of the airbrush better than acrylics. This toothy dragon will probably be travelling to ConFurence for sale.
This piece was submitted to United Publications for consideration as cover art to accompany my five-page story "Hask's Trade" which appears in WILD SIDE vol. 2 #1. It is originally 9 x12" inked on Bristol board. The line art was colored with Photoshop and the background is a photo composite.
Patrick Keith