Felicia Kaye (FeliciaK, Kandra)
In an attempt to mix portions of Richard E. Dye's style with portions of mine, I managed to create this soft, warm and fluffy vixen. I hope I didn't insult Mr Dye too much.
Our favourite bunnylop drawn like she's never been drawn before. She's beautiful, seducive and dangerous, she's the evil countess TRIXULA!!! (Hey, it's 6 am here! What do you expect? *giggle*) Quick sketch, inked with a Staedtler Pigment Liner and colored with Staedtler Karat watercolor pencils. I left the hair unbrushed to preserve the texture. Too bad I drew it too small.
I finally got a scanner, and I decided to celebrate it with a new picture! This 'generic vixen' took about four hours to do, with sketching and inking taking most of that time. The shading was done quickly with a single pencil, the same that I used for sketching. To make it smoother, I took a piece of soft tissue paper and carefully rubbed over the penciled parts. I left the eyes untouched to preserve the texture. I also left the hair mostly unshaded to give it a soft and smooth look. The shading took about 30-40 minutes and was the thing about this picture I enjoyed the most. =)
A generic vixen(tm) image. It was made relatively quickly, too quickly in fact - I forgot to shade her right ear. As always, I took special care to touch up the scan in Photoshop though, to make it presentable (removing scan artifacts and other unwanted stuff - HINT! =))
Still suffering from Dyesphoria, a nasty disease caused by looking at too many pictures of a CERTAIN artist. It's probably lethal. This picture was the result of drawing far too late in the night. However, I do think it sorta came out quite well anyway. Well, maybe. =) (I promise that this is the LAST picture drawn during my Dye-addiction!)
A collaboration between me and Samuel 'Accipiter' Jirenius. Originally an experiment in computer coloring. Lineart by Samuel 'Accipiter' Jirenius. Inking, coloring and background by Felicia C. Kaye.
Felicia Kaye (FeliciaK, Kandra)