Tim Johnson (Ravenwolf) —2/2 >
Inspired by the song 'Anna Lee' by Dream Theater. Strange that I saw her as feline and not lupine. I think she's pretty still the same.
Racism sucks. Tribes all over the world are being wiped out and persecuted for who they are. One god, One tribe.
The colored version of Hope from NewBreed
"You know the feeling when I try to take control, tear out the lust that leaves a suicidal hole'. Lyrics copyright © Slayer (Deal with it, I put lyrics in descs). Image copyright © Tim Johnson.
The candle flickered, providing the light for the shadows to dance in haunting sways against the rough walls. The shaman stood, eyes aflame as if from chaos itself, ready for ritual? or for battle?
After a month or so of fuddering, two seperate versions, and a slew of odd saves and needed retouches here sits GhostFrost. My main vision was to make the eyes the focal point with their brighter gold color. And for those wondering, the character has an ability to leave no tracks in snowy climates.. And no, that isn't just an excuse because it looks as if I had forgotten to add 'walk tracks' in the snow following her.
Another sketch that will be inked and put into the 'Tribalism' portfolio.
Lock up yer liquor stores and hide the jerky, the cynicism has a face, and it's here..
A pic that means quite a bit to me. Thats all anyone needs to know. More of my darkened mood type pics shining through like an ebony star..Whee..
"I hear a thunder in the distance, See a vision of a cross, I feel the pain that was given on that sad day of loss" Dedicated to those who are left, and to those who have left. It all matters when the cold winds of sweet lonliness howl. Image copyright © 1998 Tim Johnson. Lyrics copyright © 'Creed'
Those little demons, the ones that keep you where you are, and where you never wanted to be.. Yes, the breathing room for those little cryptic demons..
I was inspired to draw this after hearing the song 'King Nothing'. This one has Wolfrook in the starring role.. his usual self.. Well, you know what they say "King for a day, fool for a lifetime"
This one took a while to color, but I'm pleased with the results. This pic was driven by pure inspiration. I don't know what exactly inspired it, but I could just picture her in my mind looking over the vast plains and mountains of her home.. Ah well, Adeus!
A wolfcub shows her father what she learned at the lil' mages acadamy :)
A picture of Jedi Lyosha! Mace Windu? Feh! Real Jedi have feathers! Image copyright © 2002 Tim Johnson, Lyosha copyright © Amy Fennell
This was a Pic I drew to offset the stereotype of "cute" mouse morphs.
Nightdancer, a black and silver vixen runs like heck from a big and toothy, fuzzy thing I'm tired of cliched 'dragon chases adventurer' pictures. Just to let you know, she got out safe and sound, tho to this day, she won't enter a broom closet at gunpoint..
This pic is of a character named Novombro (November) who will appear in the 'Misadventures' Series someday
"O desespero, a dor, o medo Fatores decisivos que te obrigam a pensar O vinho e sangue, a carne e o pao. Chagas que nao fecham que intrigam sua vida-- Rezar-Rezar-Rezar-Amen" -Lyrics copyright ©, 1998 Sepultura/Joao Gordo. Artwork copyright ©, 1998 Tim Johnson. Do *not* redistribute
Ele e caboclo, ele e flecheiro - Bumba na calunga. E matador de feiticeiro - Bumba na calunga. "Picture inspired by many themes, lyrics by Soulfly!"
The etchings after the effects of apocalyptic nighmares that I had. Yes that is death with the scythe, and yes, death is an attractive woman.. Would you want your soul taken by a ragged skeleton?. In the final sands of being, there is no love, just the shadows of disgrace.
A very quick sketch that was later cleaned up and finished. Done with pencils on heavy paper, and shows the terrible effects of hair gel on Tribal Wolves.. Please donate to the 'Save the chemically styled wolves' fund today. Image Copyright © 2003 Tim Johnson.
This is what happens when you don't brush your teeth. Image copyright © 2001 Tim Johnson.
A picture that took me 3 days to color and I only got one print of it made before a bad 'save' instead of 'save as' killed it's printable qualities.. *sigh* oh well :)
There ain't no love...I need a cold shot of wiskey..
Skrajah. Pencils and digital. Image copyright © Tim Johnson.
pic of the week #3 from my page, enjoy :)
And at that tomb she does weep, without a tear or years of sleep.
A commissioned piece of Sonarr in her wolf aspect form. Sonarr is copyright © Her player.
As close to Kawai (however it may be spelled) as my twisted personality will ever get. I don't draw 'Ravenwolf' all that much, but I've always envisioned him more as a patient in an asylum than some suave/fluffy/cute or otherwise cliche'd creature. Give him a Dollar and he'll stop following you.
Tim Johnson (Ravenwolf) —2/2 >