< 1/5— Barclay Johnson (Bigfella Machine) —3/5 >
Another old sketch. I dunno if he's swearing an oath or accepting an order.
I sent this image to Gene Catlow in reference to an extremely muddled e-mail I'd sent him. He didn't actually react this way, I just like drawing him as a mad scientist. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple
Doktor Catlove abroad, sampling the fine climate of the North Coast. If you want to know who his robot flunky is, go to Gene Catlow's website. Doktor Catlove and the Catlowtron © Albert Temple
Johnny Blanco as a rampaging mutant badass in the New West. I think the name and character are rather appropriate for the setting. Johnny Blanco © his player
Another of my old Estii renderings, this time a more urbane specimen in a combative pose.
An Estii guide cools his heels in the afternoon heat of Epsilon Indi. Done with Strata StudioPro and Photoshop, long ago.
An Estii hunter stands watch. These images were done using Strata StudioPro and Photoshop, back in the days when I did stuff.
The Estii are an intelligent race of predators hailing from Epsion Indi. These two are hunters from the city of Bosukaa.
The Fearsome Foursome. Excelsior! All characters © their creators, with a coat of paint that's © Marvel Comics.
Across the blasted wastes of Post-Apocalypse Texas, a band of assassins known as "The Undertakers" strike terror into the hearts of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Florence Ambrose meets Laika the Cosmodog. (What can I say, I'm a big "Freefall" fan.) Florence © Mark Stanley
Colonial Rangers Groter and Catlow serving justice on the Perseus Colonies. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple Screw-Up © Abe Groter
A kobold street hustler and sometime burglar name o' Fritz. From a high concept D&D campaign idea set in the roaring Twenties.
Capellans have a tendency to turn everything into a game, and thus the chore of delivering nutrients to the antibacterial microbes in the ducts becomes an impromptu game of hoops for Gene and B-Artisan. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple
Well, you'd have to be pretty new around here or pretty slow on the uptake not to know it's *NOT* Gene's birthday today, but if he's gonna post out of context birthday images of me, I'm bound to follow suit, just as a tip o' the hat right back atcha' Gene. I used some newfound connections to snag him a Capellan action figure as a gift. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple The figure's © Kikikikiki Playthings, of Capella 4.
On the long trip to Kapteyn's Star, B-Artisan the Capellan and a friendly Terran play a game of Go. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple
Gene Catlow's been sending me these cool interior illustrations from his collection of old Pulp magazines, some of which feature the goofiest damn space suits I have yet to lay eyes on. Here's Astro Catlow in one now. Apologies to Gene Catlow, who's © Albert Temple, for putting his future self in this predicament. (This is image #50 for me, by the way. Not a big number, but a substantial one. Gotta get crackin' on my next 50.)
Although this birthday greeting may seem belated, it actually isn't, due to the time dilation effect. Gene Catlow © the Right Honorable Mr. Albert Temple
Squee Rat and her little chum Herve, back from a successful dirt fishin' trip. (I know, I know, all I ever seem to do is landsharks. Don't worry, I've got much worse in the works.) A tip o' the hat to Ms. Rat, who is © Charla Trotman.
Way down in the bayous of The New South, if the Greeps don't getcha...
Hannibal, the high plains drifter and physical powerhouse of the Mutant Bastards. Hannibal © John Hoskins
It's the Mutant Bastards again, this time confronted with forces they don't fully understand. All Texas Jake Horse and Largo can do is keep low and hope that Joe Dog in his artifact armor can punch thru the ancient robot's power shield before it's chainguns erode away the rocks they're hiding behind. Texas Jake © Craig Worrell, Largo © Ben Hitmar, Joe Dog © Clay Schlecter
Well, it's that time of year again. Time for werewolves! Booga booga!
Hopalong Spaceroo, up on the high chaparral with his trusty jackalope, Concord. Jackalopes are a popular mount in the New West. They're fast and agile. On the down side they make for a bumpy ride, and they're dumber than a bag of doorknobs. Spaceroo never met a mutant he didn't like. He's © John Siemer, a right neighborly fella.
An anthropoid griffin type. Not much story beyond that. This and the following sketches are posted with a tip o' the hat to a certain sage marsupial, who said it would be nice to see some more hand drawn work out of me. Happy to oblige.
Well, this image somehow started in The New West (probably someplace in the deathlands around Fortwerp, in the Texas Territories) and ended up on Tattooine. Ah well. Here's a tip o' the hat to Jaquel, who did that swell New West buzzard a while back, and likes to bullseye womp rats from her T-16. Jaquel © Rebecca Marsh
...and the dance begins again. This image was from my B.F.A. thesis, a series of illustrations based on "The Planets" by Gustav Holst. (Listen to it, you'll like it.) This one is based on "Jupiter, Bringer of Joviality". (And thanks to Kilo for going that extra mile to ensure the self expression of so many can continue. I'm glad SCFA's back on line.)
Mark Stanley's Florence puts in an appearance in The New West. Go check out "Freefall" for her in her regular gig as a starship engineer at
A Kaiute Riflebeast stalks the post-apocalyptic desert lookin' to pick a fight. I just updated the New West area of my website, and even if you're not an R.P.G. player you may find some of the wierdness of interest. Come right back to the S.C.F.A. after you're done, tho. Tip o' the hat to Gene Catlow, who coined the term "riflebeast".
A young Capellan female, a character idea for a story that is currently way, way on the backburner. Her name is KiChii, although human/Capellan sign language would dub her K-Singer.
< 1/5— Barclay Johnson (Bigfella Machine) —3/5 >