Amber Anderson (immortalpain, ippy)
Reupload because this version looks much better then the other one, even though the picture is still dreadfully boring.
Older picture, but I'm still quite fond of the background, and it's actually my character. It's Aerin. Standing in the snow. w00t.
Not one of the best things I've ever done, but it makes me SMILE. That counts for something, right? Done for Anna's TP.
Boldly shaving where no man has dare shaved before. For TeenTiger.
"Waiting for the Worms", moodier picture done for Fredryk. Very, very, VERY much Pink Floyd inspired. Mmm, Pink Floyd.
"Free", this is a personal favorite of mine.
I love my flying pig. I mean.. Budgie. No, he's not that fat. Silly Gremlin bird.
My adorable little budgie, Gremlin. He is to cute not to draw. Open Canvas is also kinda fun.
A picture I did for Turbine Divinity during his Trading Post. For a while I managed to produce some of my best stuff for the Trading Posts and this is one of my favorite pieces, especially the background and the tree. I love that tree.
A picture I did for Kilojara during her Trading Post. More red then I'd usually use but I rather like how it came out.
My badge for Further Confusion. :> It scanned really fugly (I haven't found the magical "make everything look beautiful!" button my new scanner yet) and it looks better in person. I made it with water color, colored pencils, ink, white out, ducttape, the blood of my unborn child and my wonderful psychic mind powers. If you see me at FC, say hi plz. :<<<
Ippy loves you. This is so my self portrait as my 'fursona'. I'm so witty :(
Because a dead horse is not completely beaten until there is no horse left! Sincere apologies to Pat Kelly also, whereever he may be.
Did this for Kasedries' TP and messed around with textures. I like the colors in this one.
Still a wip, technically, but I doubt I'll ever finish it. The character, Kitty von Kitten, is in my opinion absolutely adorable and I like the picture despite being so unfinished. Anyhow... Not much interest in drawing furry animal people as of late, but I am still alive!
Part of a commission for Kytheraen. Not the final piece by anymeans, but I sketched it up in ink (lots, and lots of ink) and I like how it came out. Kytheraen is.. copyright to her creator. Damn, that name is hard to spell.
Kytheraen, this time endowed with LIFE GIVING COLOR or something to that extent. Right. Watercolor pencils are fun.
One of the versions of a picture for oCeLoT's TP. I had this idea in my head and I just couldn't get it out right, but I do like the lineart on this one. I also have no idea what is with me and cropping out feet. I don't do it intentionally and it just happens. I must have some serious, hidden and unresolved issue with feet buried in my brain.
Test run for the October SS thingy, for Selunca. Trying to figure out how to draw Anthros again, and I like this picture. Scribbled in Open Canvas.
Some sketches I did down in California. Forgot everything so I just had an inkpen and computer paper. I didn't scan all of them, mainly because the ones not shown are scary looking old men. Some of these are really neat lookin' though, in my opinion. Ashta is (C) her creator (Smellymoo!11) and Fredryk belongs.. to.. himself. The bugeye boy in the lower right corner is Kasedries... and, er, thats about it.
Picture for JILL or MERCURY PALE. I can't spell her last name. :<<< Stop laughing at me.
I drew this in Open Canvas awhile back. It's one of my favorite pieces I've ever done of Aerin though, and one of my favorite pieces period.
Quick drawing I did for Teeka/Dj Vix-N. Had the pleasure of meeting her at Conifur and she is a sweetheart. I like how this came out, and it was a good practice at inking, even if it is a quick one.
Amber Anderson (immortalpain, ippy)