Robin Hall (IndigoFox)
A dragon with my lovely betta's, Calipso's, colours. Marker.
A second dragon with my other lovely betta's, Colby, colours. Marker.
A cat dragon named Cleo for lack of better name. Such inspiration floats around at c-ace!
He's too cute -not- to draw him more than once!
Older dragon sketch, I love his expression.
I pulled out my markers today, I had to colour, still learning with them. Sketchbook giraffe from c-ace.
Con badge for Goldenrod, I'm still working on colouring with markers, it's hard stuff!
My first conbadge! I can't wait for C-ACE this year! Indigo, my antlered fox.
Just a quick phoenix drawn in OC ages back.
This is really large compared to hulacat.jpg. It's 4' by 13' and coloured with pencil crayon and marker with touches of white acrylic. Canadian animals. Whoo!
Billy goats! *grins* Dodger's the middle brother of three, and there's much in store for him.
Commissioned school logo for Dragon Boats. Kicked out before races for being "unruly". Go figure.
I love the little details of this one :) Somewhat influenced by indian, aztechian, and other such-ian art, I decided to depict Aesop's Fable of the Fox, Raven and Cheese. Microns.
I appologize first off for the size. It's actually this small, though. I had the idea to sketch on a tiny piece of bristol and liked the outcome so much I followed through to then end. Pencil crayon.
(reupload) iDecided to jump on the band sleigh! This one just can't be missed. I don't think I'd ever get an iPod though.
This is a TP Overflow upload for Kenket (Kawfee Addicticus) because I am tediously slow and missed the deadline. I had no idea when I started to colour with pencil crayons that they did not want to blend on the coloured, textured paper.
I was rummaging through some older sketches to find an old intended sketch for the very talented Kinkajou. I'm working on a new one.
Late tp post (somewhat) but mostly 'cause Anna and her dream snails are the coolest!, and it's all your fault, Cannibal! My fox, Indigo.
You have to wonder how he gets the wool hat on over those antlers! Marker, watercolour an' pencil crayons.
Yet another dragon, still trying to figure out how to use markers properly. Ruben for Cannibalbunneh.
Robin Hall (IndigoFox)