< 1/4— Claire Hummel (Shoom'lah) —3/4 >
Meh, the arm stinks, yeah, but the heads kicks. I be lovin' them ears! Female mule deer © meee
Concept work for Poetic Dragon's desert roleplay- the Ekendu.
well, I liked how my scribble turned out for the forums... That's about the whole of it. Mmm-yep.
Mirror eyes again, this time in were form. Purdy sunset...
A picture I worked on to ConFURence's theme of film noir. I likies.
Some semblance of a trade with Frisket... I haven't the foggiest why she's in a faeire costume. No idea. Don't ask me to interpret the innerworkings of my subconsious artistic mind. Stop it.
SpiritFeatherPony, a friend online, loves the Beatles- thus, it's Sgt. Spiritfeatherpony's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Woooop!
An artrade an' brithday wish with my friend GoldenJackal. She's a golden jackal. I likes using flash, t'is yummy. Cripes, gotta go study AP bio...
Everyone loves Granmama Tapir- she's so tolerant of the young'uns.
Gypsy-dragon-reptiley-archaic thing. Lady. She popped into my head the other day, and the washes looked nice... Up she goes!
Mmm, undead horses... And I will not deny any inspiration drawn from a certain book. About wizards. And Harrys. Besides, it's just cute.
naryu the were-kitsune-turned-orange! be afraaaaaaid...
iGeek, inspired by my good friend Chelsea's Trek version. Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum ishi krimpatul! Mwahaha.
I'm not trying to start anything, but I am allowed to hold, and state, my opinion. I like my koalas fluffy and chubby, and I like them to look like koalas. Thus, I introduce Ulla, my cute little aboriginal koala. Thanks you.
See? He evolved... He has legs. Wuv the shark with legs!
My best buddy, Madeleine, in wolfie form. The scanner scanned this surprisingly well, so I'm quite happy...
Mrr, stoobid reuploadiness. Fixed up merick's shadow a bit, for better contrast, following some crits I got. Yay! Again, commish for merick dragon...
MirrorEyes as a serval. She mentioned four paws up on the boards yesterday, and I was thus inspired...
I got back from conFURence, an' I'm happie. I got a plushie! ('Tis in this right hand corner of ma rawing...) Lovvies!
made the colours a bit more true to life, they were really bleached beforehand. Soap-art trade with Moonlight werewolf...
Rarely do I do cutesy anime- well, rarely do I do anime post 8th grade. The only exception is when its a friend's birfday- Happy conception day, Nar!
Gift piccy pour Naryu. so many paws...
Um, my crucifixion picture without blood, so it's more yerf-able. The bloody one's on side7, if anyone cares. Okay- the left wol represents hope, the middle persecution, and the last ressurection.
two random noir kitties. She's a showgirl, he's a bounty hunter on the run- they fight crime!
Oh ye GODS! Heh, I saw the music man. Cool dresses...
Anthropomorphic otter for Kyoht's 'tribes' project... The right foot's buuuggin' me.
Un cadeau pour le jour du peres- Gah, studying for the french final's getting to me! It's a dad and youngun otter for my daddy on his special day...
Damn those explosive pinecones. When will they ever learn? Gift fer wolfmoonie...
Gift for my caffeinated bud, paintedpaws. I disagree with her viewpoint, in that I believe coffee is poo. Poo, I say!
Commish fer PoeticDragon an' her boyfriend... Aaw. *snfs*
< 1/4— Claire Hummel (Shoom'lah) —3/4 >