< 2/14— Gloria Higginbottom (Twap, Snitter) —4/14 >
Snitter is wearing my clothes. Snitter, did I give you permission to do that?
This is Erin M.'s Dingbat for the Trading Post... I went out on a limb with the colouring. WAAAAAAAY out on a limb. @_@
"There are endings, beginnings, that set us free. To the old ones, the young ones, we are free..." -- Leiahdorus -- Ink and photoshop.
This is pic #1 of a two-pic commission for a friend of mine.... See the desc for #2.
This is pic #2 of a two-pic commission for a friend of mine. Had to really work my butt off to get these finished before I leave, let me tell you! Ah well. Character © Stuart Asher, artwork © me.
A requested pic of a suspiciously furcadian-looking dog girl... Hope she likes it! Art © me, Character © herself (Okay, so I'm a slacker. I can't remember the name, all right?)
This is an expression of...well, many things. Oh, and, Happy Easter. Artwork © me.
According to one theory, every person starts out in life with a "secret mission card", just like in the game of "Risk" which tells what their life's objective is to be... I think Alex's mission is to drive me insane.
Ugh. I honestly don't know WHAT I was thinking when I drew this. I must've been in a weird mood (ie, neither depressive nor thoughtful nor anything else that I USUALLY am) Anyway. Twap, looking dumb, is © me.
Super-quick ink drawing of the wuffy and foxie. (has anybody noticed me becoming steadily sappier and sappier? *sigh* This is what being in love does to you, kids.) image © me.
Happy Easter.
This was SUPPOSED to be uploaded around Easter, but it didn't get done. Twap=me in my easter clothes, standing by a lopsided imaginary stained-glass window. © me.
Um, yeah. Actually, I was thinking it might be interesting to do a week's worth of the comic in this style... Egyptian versions of Snitter, Erin, and Twap (don't ask me what happened to her fur to make it white) are © me.
Another JE inspired pic... I call this "An interperative marker test". Yes, I'm weird like that.
Well, not all is lost. When I'm feeling insane or sentimental, this pic makes me smile, mainly because it's probably the first time I've drawn a believeable embrace, nevermind all the tragedy in their lives. Twap and Sefra, © me.
I think maybe I'll color this and give it to Alex. He probably won't appreciate it, but, oh well. Erin © me, Apollo © Alex McConnehey.
"(Fade away) I bled for you to stay (crawl away) Creatures dressed in gray (Hide away) We freeze ourselves in place, It was our fate of misery, the silence burns inside of me, I feel so cold and indiscreet..." Lyrics © Common Children
"Blood, my love, my soul mixed in with you, the life I now live you, new wine...The meld, the mix, the Blue Shifting Power, the word to the letter, I breath you in...." Ever feel like you're totally empty and you wish everything would just fade away?... Lyrics © Fold Zandura
I was painting a kitty cat on a rock for my grandma's christmas present, and I had some paint left over, so.... Generic portrait of Erin on canvasette © me.
I won't hesitate to tell you that I REALLY like this picture! Other than that little smudge on the edge of the blanket,I think it turned out really good. The ever-mysterious Erin Ruadh © me.
You might think that Erin paid a lot of money for that niffy custom-built lefty stratocaster. But you're wrong, she got it for $150 at a pawn shop. Erin is © me.
Give the people what they want... and the people want more Erin! Yeah, more Ruadh, and less of a certain stupid weasel and kangaroorat who shall remain nameless. Erin is © me.
I sketched this while sitting and watching the worship team at my church practice on Wednesday night. Normally, I would have rather been practicing along with them, but I was too tired and I forgot to bring my bass. (The church has a 5-string, which I hate to play because my hands are too small.) Um, yeah. Erin © me.
Again, this would be much cooler if it were not swiped from a photgraph taken at Wilderness Camp. I just thought the pose was too good to let it go to waste. Erin © me, "hopping over the campfire" pose © Ben.
I love this picture, Apollo thinks he's cool because he walks on his hind legs? Let's see him try to some some acrobatics like this! Erin Ruadh © Me (no matter what Alex may tell ya) :)
Erin leaping... Slightly cartoonier than the other ones, but not too bad... © me
A pencil pic of Erin staring at the sky, yes I am aware that she's not wearing any clothes. © me
Gonna try this again... Erin in primsmacolor markers... © me.
Thought I'd upload some ones of the the band (still nameless, I'm afraid) in action.. so here's Erin. She's and awesome guitar player. Sorta like my dad, only she's a girl, and she's a fox, and she's a bit more punk rock-oriented. © me.
This is for Erin M. and her Scottyfox. Because they rule the school. XD
< 2/14— Gloria Higginbottom (Twap, Snitter) —4/14 >