Jenny Crampton (gruffin)
his nickname is "cinnabon".
A commission for Tiina Purin, dragon creater allmighty. She owns character copyright on Copernicus here, the green ungulate person.
*edits* Raven creatures!! Um, yes, they are raven creatures! (and still will be at Anthrocon, I hope)
There was a riot in the recents for detail. So here it is. ;}
Paint! I can paint! Even pixels! (photoshop/ wacom)
Character commish for M Carpenter. Eshenai is his ideer, a snow leopard lady. ( Done in graphite on bristol.)
Just another run-of-the-mill Blonde Geriatric Wyvern from Outer Space. ^_^
More stuff for AC; Canine type guys looking all goth and stuff.(I think the trick to making a lot of art is trying out many differnt styles.)
If I were a newt, I would eat glo-bones.
Pretty gryph, done for AC in July. Prismacolors on illustration board.
Commish for the Green Gryphon. Hmm. maybe she needs a hat. Or socks.
A wee snarly gargoyle. He originally was a sparkly dragon but he got his face snagged in a photoshop filter. You know. The "SNARLY GARGOYLE" filter. (Mostly Painter and a graphire.)
'Pelli likes to draw. 'Pelli has neato hair. 'Pelli likes stripes. 'Pelli plays saxaphone once in a while but only if you get her off of her barstool.
This has NOTHING to do with iPods and everything to do with scarlet haired raven-griffs. I think. And february. Don't forget february.
Senmurv. Mythological beastie who has seen the desruction of the world 3 times. Colored pencils on illustration board.
The trick to painting backgrounds is to do them first. The problem with this is: you end up with a great landscape and a teeny gryphon. >.< Oh well.
A wee sketch for a bigger self-promo proect. A project involving funny things like gouache. And Tengus. That are actually seagulls.
This was supposed to be for the Trading Post. But, alas, I missed it. Here (she) is anyway. This is Twin, the anthro-black-hole, in the middle of a anti-gravity dance?. She was begging for vectors... (Character © Peganthyrus)
Sproing! Bounce! Fweee!
Ragglesnarflurs are known to indulge in public transportation once in a while, to the horror of regular users... (Illustator 5.5, P-shop 5, and wacom)
One of them legless dragon critters, a wrym methinks. Doodle on toned paper in Prisma markers, sparkly gel pen, graphite, and a whiteout pen.
Jenny Crampton (gruffin)