Melanie Gibbons (Andwyn) —2/2 >
Altair, sitting smoking a ciggy. I'm really pleased at how this turned out. I think I've *finally* tamed Photoshop :-)
My alter-ego, Andwyn, a werewolf with the same taste in clothes as me :-) I feel sorry for her cos she has wonky legs in this pic.
Andwyn, oblivious to everything, attempting to play air guitar and sing at the same time, with disastrous results. I like the way this turned out, even though the ultra-thick ink lines were an accident.
Just a wee quick exercise in using gradients for shading in non-tacky ways. The background reminds me of chewy fruit sweets. PS. Drink more Guinness :-P
"Acres of Skin" - inspired by the music of Fear Factory and the art of Josh Kirby. Prismacolor pencils. Side note: I'm 16 next week. Yay for me.
Arianrhod, Lady of the Silver Wheel, guardian of the Pole Star where the souls of the dead pass through to the Otherworld. Celtic mythology rules. Goddess bless :-)
Gules, a lion d'Or, upon which a bend d'argent with two crosses-fitchy sable and a bezant gules. My coat of arms, anthro-ized. I like heraldic-looking beasts.
"Astronomy lesson"- Alnath teaching a younger Altair the wonders of the universe.
A request from a friend of a friend (*waves* Hi Becky!) She said I could draw anything as long as it incorporated horses and dogs, her two favourite animals. So here is a dogtaur :-)
Celaeno, erm, standing. Yeah. With a basket. Inked using the draftsmanship style (thankyou Scott! :-)
The elements of air (symbolised by the eagle and Swords) and fire (symbolised by the lion and Wands) come together to form the Gryphon (who looks like he's doing t'ai chi. Or something).
This here's my gryphon-daemon, Cernunnos, complete with bad anatomy and messed-up background. Yay! :-P
Cernunnos the gryph-daemon again. He's gone through some drastic changes since I drew him last. He now has white fur, black mane, and speckles. Gotta love speckles :-) Oh, and before I forget...Happy Lughnasadh!
Cernunnos, looking angry. Experimentations with textures in Photoshop, trying to make it look like it was coloured with markers.
Cernunnos, ever-so-nicely coloured by Silver Foxxis :-)
The four main characters from a story I have in my head but haven't got round to writing down yet :-) They are: Avior (rabbit), Celaeno (otter), Rigel (fox) and Altair (gryphon).
My half of an art trade with Heather Wasneuski. 'Tis Cybre, all floaty-like with nice blue material. I've never drawn a cheetah before until now :-)
Andwyn and Cernunnos, dancing the night away. Bless 'em. They do make a lovely couple though, don't they? :-P
Goat-taur. Now with extra muscles. If this product is defected in any way (such as deformed right arms and the like) please return to...yadda yadda yadda. Your statutory rights are not affected.
Isn't he beautiful? :-) Floaty green dragon thing, done with prismacolor pencils and markers, with a nifty border as well.
Done for my buddy Dawn, aka Ebony the were-panthress. Simple colouring technique, but effective, and she liked it :-)
I haven't worked in pencil for ages, and it shows. Still, its not too crap. 'Tis just a fox with a stick, nothing more.
Andwyn, this time in her full lupine form. I used a different technique for this, using the pencil tool instead of the airbrush to shade with in photoshop, which is why it's somewhat blotchy-looking. I dunno who the bones belong to.
Ganymede, Altair's half-brother. They don't get along well with each other. Rather like nice, clean Photoshop images and JPEG compression >:-(
I've been on holiday in the Balearic islands for the past two weeks. The first morning there, we were woken up by a herd of goats trotting around outside our apartments. So in honour of the occasion, here is a goat doing what I've been doing for a fortnight :-P
This series of pics are of the Council of Five, the rulers, both political and spiritual, of the world in which my story is set. Each member of the Council represents a different element. Picture #1 of 5- Zosma, lioness ruler of Fire.
Picture #2 of 5- D'heneb, stag ruler of Earth.
Picture #3 of 5- Tarazed, eagle ruler of Air. No, he's not wearing a lab coat.
Picture #4 of 5- Fao'lan, wolf ruler of Water.
Picture #5 of 5- Kochab, monkey ruler of Spirit. The wings are symbolic :-)
Melanie Gibbons (Andwyn) —2/2 >