< 1/2— Crystal Gafford (Kittrel)
- You can run faster than that! You better be able to! This is Nikodemus of Furcadia, and one of his bot creations. Done in ink, water color (w/ some acrylic), and saved by my nifty white pen. I'm rather happy with this one, actually, althoguh I think someday I'll re-touch it with photoshop; I don't like the sky.
- Little thingy for Albaster's birthday. Tried my hand at cel-style painting on Photoshop. Hopefully I'll get better as time goes on. I'm painting in classes now. Ee!
- This was done for a program cover for a coronation in SCA. Winged tiger and sable swan. Done in ink, and was originally on white paper, but I'm not gettin' the original back so this has been through the scanner and copier a couple times. Still turned out nice, I guess. =o) Image copr. me, of course.
- Here's a wolfie for winter! This is monochromatic. (Oooh, forgot to say, these are all done in Adobe Illustrator)
- Wooo, another one down! Ayeka of Furcadia, a mood panthress (I know she looks like a housecat, shhhh!) She must be inna good mood. Before you ask, this ain't a Christmas pic, the red and green just matched. =oP This is for a picture exchange.
- Alas poor Yurik, I knew him well.... but he looked much cuter and fluffier back then... ((Blame Preyfar, tho' I think he forgot...))
- Godzuki of Furc. (On my monitor the yellow fur is bright and cheery, on my fiance's it's burning my eyeballs out... I hope it's just that his monitor is yucky, if not, many apologies!)
- drawing of a gryphon I did today in class as a study for a larger project... that and she's a new char of mine, so I figured sinceI was studyig gryphons I may as well do Z'rah. ;o)
< 1/2— Crystal Gafford (Kittrel)