< 1/2— Richard Foley (Moonstalker)
o/~ Everyone knows it's Windy... And Windy has stormy eyes... o/~ It's a little picture I drew for that wonderful arkie Wind-Dancer! She's supposed to be studying but it looks like she's plotting something to me. :)
It's a foxcoon! What's a foxcoon? Well... this is a foxcoon, a really great critter created by FuzzyFox! I wonder how many of you remember his very nice cartoon series of works he used to introduce them? :)
Selene Cheetah, a warrioress.
Sheila the Vixen strikes a provocative pose. Definately one of the yiffy types. :)
Shockwave, a character on FurryMUCK played by Allen Kitchen. Shockwave copyright Allen Kitchen
Um... I think you've been playing too much Spy Fox, Fuzzy. :)
This is a picture for a great artist who shares my appreciation of all things floofy (read Huskies). :) From Russia with love, it's Nakita Kalsinov giving Stinken a friendly hug and scritch. :) Stinken © Ken Singshow. Nakita © her player.
Here he is... Stormie the weather wuff. Looks like someone stole his feather. :)
This is a picture a Suleika, a lovely husky femme. She is a native of Russia and has the most captivating accent (along with a very nice curled, floofy tail). Suleika is © her player.
Tigger Tyger, a tiger femme, shows off her new red bikini.
ZeroFox the Fox'taur from FluffMUCK. ZeroFox is © Paul Blalack.
Zero Wolfe, a character played by Paul Blalack on FurryMUCK. Zero Wolfe copyright Paul Blalack.
< 1/2— Richard Foley (Moonstalker)