Cameron Floyd (Cameroo)
Was drawing with GoldenRod in OpenCanvas yesterday morning, and saw him do a terrific job inking his current sketch, so I asked if he'd be willing to try his hand at somthing I did sometime. to my suprise he worked on this current doodle of mine. I think it came out pretty good though I did make a few touch ups to it before posting.
A keen kangaroo that I drew up, and Brenden Smith did the inking chores for me on. I really like this one. Hopefully one day I'll be able to ink at his level. Until then, I guess it's practice, Practice, Practice...
*Boing!* A weak attempt at cartooning here. I kinda like it though. Terribly cute.
This is pretty much my kangaroo-type persona, And almost the style I've settled on when I do draw it. I think the coloring needs tweaking. Drawn mainly for the fun of it. It's tough drawing stuff like this, and not trying to show you're flaws also. Heh. Prisma inks, Photo-Shlop coloring.
Well, Nothing new here sadly, but I wanted to try out the art manager, and had this thing I colored for my forum avatar laying around. So I figured, What the heck?
A picture done in OpenCanvas for ShadowClaw. I think the inking is pretty crummy, but for the most part I like it, so here it goes.
A wolf.
An abborted commision sketch I had floating around on my other art archive. The Commisioner changed his mind about the character last minute. I guess she's mine now? Heh. I dunno why, But I've allways liked it anyways. Comments would be welcome.
A toony rabbit I did up while trying to learn cartooning from Prestion Blairs' book. I like it for the most part. Though comments are welcome. I'll hopefully have some newer stuff up soon.
Ah... This one brings back memories. :) "CK" T'was my first shot at a furry-type persona. More great ink work by Brenden Smith also.
This was done in OC. I usually don't post my transformation related artwork here, but I liked how this one came out well enough however, sans the jagged "inking". Also, Kelvin is right. Transformations are alot of fun to draw. :)
A commision I did for Eric Fox. Some kind of Werefox I guess. :) Inking done with Prisma markers. Comments welcome. :)
Gif? Gawd, What was I thinking?
Allrtight, just this once... ;P
A kangaroo re-work. A picture I did per request of David Hopkins for his comic RTD. Sadly his site is down until further notice. Whole mess of diffrent tools I use inking this one. :)
"A sandwich is a sandwich, but a man is a meal!" I love that MST3k line. :) Last old picture I promise! A first attempt at brush inking. I like the sandwich anyways. (BTW this is *not* Sully)
Where's Waldo? Picture trade fun.
A sketch I did some digital inking on. I usually don't like to post this kinda stuff to my YERF archieve, but I enjoyed how this one came out.
I'm uploading a few of the older things I got floating aroun my HD until I can get another brush to ink the crud I do have ready to go. Anywho; Um, Boo-ya? Kinda crummy looking back at the original picture. But Brenden's inking really made up for my poor-assed artistic skills at the time. :)
Wow, I background?! It must be the apocolypse-so! Brenden Smith sent me some issues of 'The Rocketeer', Then after reading it I was inspired to draw this. *Then* he was keen enough to do the ink chores for me. :) What a pal.
I'm loathe to upload sketches here, but I could'nt let Halloween pass me by without posting somthing related. Here's a little somthing I did for Lance in OpenCanvas.
Cameron Floyd (Cameroo)