Lindsey Dearnley (Firecrest)
- A Crested Griffin headshot, done in goache and indian ink.
- Ok, I know there is human in it...and its rather unlike my other pictures, but I can experiment cant I?... I liked painting this. its for no apparent reason, just a quick painting I did off the top of my head. goache and ink
- I felt the background complicated the main focus of the picture, which is the interaction between the two characters, so Ive edited out the background. I think both versions have their merits so I decided to upload both.
- Father and Son. A father teaches his teenage sone to fire a bow. Goache on paper. I acutally forgot to draw in the bow string to this, so I had to add that on the computer!
- A jackal writes an inscription on a tomb. It reads "I buried the old. I clothed the naked. I did no worng agaisnt people. I was going to write my own inscription, but I found it gradually getting to complex. Goach and watercolour on paper
- He found the treasure and hes keeping it! This just started as an idle sketch, but I began to like him, so I finished it properly. pen&ink with pencil
Lindsey Dearnley (Firecrest)