< 1/3— Heather Fieldhouse (BunnyHugger, Ringo) —3/3 >
BunnyHugger, like you've never seen her before. No, calm down, fellows. I mean, in a different style than you've seen her before.
Here I look mighty pleased with myself after successfully pouncing on Lucky.
A portrait of Lucky Bunny, a devilbunny, who is played by my real-life fiance. Note that he is not nearly so sinister in real life.
Based on a real incident in which the man behind Lucky Bunny was attacked by a butterfly.
Here I embrace my fiance, Lucky, the love of my life.
Mililani the fox.
Millie Mudd, everyone's favorite FurToonian fox kit, dressed as a flapper for Halloween. Colored pencil.
Minkle! This is Sully's little bird friend. I just drew him from memory so I hope he looks reasonably Minklish -- it's been a while since I've looked at one of Sully's Minkle pics.
Mouser, of Spindizzy, in his winter pelage.
My own version of Skippy Squirrel; yes, I know it looks nothing like the "real" Skippy.
A pencil drawing of Dr. Niedlich, a devilbunny scientist. Notice sadbun.jpg? Niedlich had something to do with that.
Well, I intended this toony critter to be a rat or a mouse; my mother thought it looked more like a possum. I can live with that. My first experiment with computer coloring, if you can believe it. (I'm sure that you can believe it by looking, actually....) I conceived him as a mad scientist, but his scarf makes him look more like a nutty artist or composer.
A picture of a cat, in oil pastel.
A dog or wolf, in oil pastel.
A mouse, in oil pastel. An attempt at a different style.
Orville C. Gull, a small but cute pencil drawing.
I don't know why, but one time when I was sitting at home bored I decided to do a strange rabbit cross. I believe this is a cross between a rabbit and some large avian -- an ostrich, perhaps. Just a pencil drawing.
This is my card design for the 2002 alt.devilbunnies holiday card exchange. The interior message was "Season's Greetings." Although the holidays are well behind us now, it's still appropriate to the season.
Victory for M.S.U.! Something a bit atypical for me.
You would cry too, if it happened to you. This is me (BunnyHugger) thinking about some recent events involving mad doctors, massive electroshock, and sudden unpleasant recollections. Black marker.
A dog, sitting at a bar or table, smoking, and looking depressed -- or is it just deep in thought? I think he might be bitter over an old love affair, or something. I did this one partly because I think domestic dogs are underrepresented in furry fandom.
Here's a pencil drawing of Ozymandias J. Wolf. I meant for him to look sad, but he looks as though he may just be pensive instead. He looks an awful lot like a (domestic) dog in this picture because of the drooping ears, but I like it anyway. I think this picture was sort of inspired by my sadmutt.jpg.
One of the cartoonists I most admire is Elzie Segar, who wrote the strip Thimble Theater (best known for having Popeye in it). He has an exceptionally cute way of drawing animals and here I tried to imitate it without much success. Well, here's a supposedly Segarized BunnyHugger. (P.S. Go find an old Thimble Theater anthology. You won't regret it.)
Here's a different artist photo. It's me and my fiance, Chris (Lucky) Fieldhouse, during the weekend in which we first met in person.
It's Skyler Rabbit! Looks kinda shy, doesn't he? But so cute! This one is colored pencil.
Skyler, winkin' at ya!
A squirrel, hands behind back, looking coyly at the viewer. What's she hiding?
Tarren Hayer, a very evil rabbit from alt.devilbunnies, rendered in colored pencil and oil pastel.
Tobin the beatnik otter, sitting and thinking.
Tuesday Black, traitorous squirrel of alt.devilbunnies. Or, perhaps, her less-evil descendant who now resides on TFF.
< 1/3— Heather Fieldhouse (BunnyHugger, Ringo) —3/3 >