Miguel Estrugo (Artie_roo)
Once in a while, you draw a pic and get surprised at the results. This picture, that I drew in very little time, is one of these. I loved everything on it, from the expression of happines from Alice (the otter over the pegicorn) till the perspective and the distribution of shapes and figures on it. What do you think? :) Alice Otter, Century, Caliban, BlackDragon and FFerret are © their creators and are used under permission.
This is one of the few colored pictures I've made lately. Doesn't this otter girl called Alice look cute? :)
I started this picture the last Sunday. It was to be a gift to my nephews. It wasn't supposed to be shared. After the sad things that happened the Tuesday, I decided to finish and upload it to Yerf, because we need to cheer up a little. There are still reasons to smile.
Alice Otter is my most beloved comics character. And, you know, I've been thinking about doing a t-shirt series featuring her and her friends. This is the first design of that series, hopefully, there'll be more in the future. Alice Otter is © me. :)
This is one of the best pics of Artie. He looks cute in this pic, and... well, you can note his navel (!) under his shirt. I wonder how many roos have navel. :)
I have a friend who commented me how cute the roos were when they were asleep... Then, I look at this pic of Artie asleep in the summertime, and I wonder, is he cute or not? hmmm...
Don't try to find any coincidence with the furs on this pic and those usual posters to AFF. They aren't based on anybody. :) The art is © myself.
The Black Kangaroos are one of my earliest ideas to draw a sort of 'furry mafia'. The basic idea has changed a lot as time went by, but their concept is the same. In this pic they have a 'gangsterish' look, and they look pretty cool, but it's not the only 'ambience' where they could move. From left to right: Artie roo (© me); PeteRoo (© Peter Laverdiere); Iyu (© Stephen Domanski) and Wurragurr (© I dunno).
A poor otter is shot down by unfriendly fire and he bails out just before his plane crashes. He falls over a tree and finds surrounded by several enemy soldiers. To his surprise, all of them are femmes! And, considering their naughty expressions, and what's that sargent doing... I think he's gonna be glad to be their prisoner. More stuff at
Third page of "8-bits"
I'm working on a small comic for the new site I'm designing, and thought about using this little raccoon as a "host". Unlike on my other comics, I decided to make every frame independently and then assemble everything on the computer. This is probably the cutest of the drawings I've made for that comic. And, uuuh, the more I see this pic, the more convinced I am that I wouldn't be a bad illustrator for children's books. :)
This is a picture I did a while ago, but couldn't upload it until now because I forgot the art manager's URL. (D'oh!). Now, let's go with the picture. Robert Serocki, Cyberskunk's creator, is developing a game for the Mac where his character is chased by an resurrected Egyptian kitty, who starts chasing him. Hence this scene. Cyberskunk is © Robert Serocki. Uploaded with his permission.
This picture shows Artie-roo sit in front of his drawing table. Originally drawn in 1995, the purpose of this graphic was to be the header of the comics index I had when I was the webmaster of my uiniversity. (Hehe) , that's the reason of why it's so small. (© 1995 Artie_roo)
I'm working on ideas for a replacement of my Alice Otter online strip in the mid future (let's say, a couple of years or so), and I came out with the idea of drawing a couple of utterly incompetent ferret secret agents, fighting an equally incompetent band of eeeevil spies, very much in the line of Get Smart, Spy vs. Spy or Clever and Smart (for those of you in Europe). These are the two good guys for that comic, named, as you can see, "Ferret Wars". I may draw some more stuff in the near future, so watch to find out more!
Okay, here we have a nice civet friend I got in certain Muck. Another friend of me, wanted me to draw a pic of her.. and here you have the results. Isn't she cute? :) Gerdazech is © her player.
Ken and Mab are two characters I created and developed in 1991, to do a 'magic' worlds' spoof. Ken, the dragon at the left, and Mab, the rooish prentice of sorcery, would take a very long trip to a legendary city where they could find what they are looking for on their lives: that is, some peace and silence. (!) By the way, she looks pretty cuuuute. :) Despite they are two characters belonging to the "dungeons & dragons" stories, I prefered to put them into the 'history' section because the scenery where they'd move is very similar to the XIIth century. they're © me.
Here you have one of the pages of the biiiiiiiiiig project I'm working on. This comic, named "The Way to Cuckooland", is the history of the trip of this kangaroo sorceress and the silly-looking dragon on their way to the dreamed land of Cuckooland, and it's appearing little by little on South Fur Lands, one of the few clean fanzines around. So, if you want to follow this history, either buy South Fur Lands, wait 'till I finish it, or try to contact me telepatically so you can read the story on my mind. :)
Another pic for the "illustration" section of my future website. I plan to attach this one to the title of the "illustration" section, hence why it's sharpening a pencil. By the way, he needs dieting a little.
I've realized it's been a while since I last drew Artie Roo in one of my pics. I've decided to feature him again in this picture I did featuring yet another female roo I met on FurryMuck, her namd Malibu. Note her pose, it's hard to rest over your back when you have a HUGE tail. :) <br><i>Malibu is © her player</i><br> More stuff at
Malibu (© her player) told me on the muck she's from Southern California. And then I wondered how a California roo would look. :) Although the 'beach background' isn't as good as I'd like, this pic is refreshing enough to imagine how are California roos in the summertime. By some reason, she looks both sensual and cuddly. Wouldn't you like to give her a hug? :) More stuff at
I've been thinking on drawing the characters I've used at the pic named "Mdeo01.gif" (or such) to create a series. And I got the invitation to collaborate in a furry zine named "Flan & Fur", dedicated to sexy furries and food. So, I decided to use' em to simulate this battle in a kitchen. From my very point of view, they look cute. :)
Hmmm... A nice pic of a skunkette playing chess with a white fox. I liked this pic a lot, especially because of the landscape you can see out there. It reminds me of when I was living in Montevideo, and that's why I named it that way. This pic gave me the idea of doing a series named "Montevideo", featuring naked (and non-erotic) urban furries. It sounds nice, no? Let's see if I draw more of that series. :)
I'm on the process of creating a new website, to promote myself and my creative skills to get freelance works and all that stuff. I pretend to do frelance stuff as a children book's illustrator, and then I decided to create a short series of drawings to display my style and the stuff. This is one of the pictures I'm gonna feature on that site: a cartoony kangaroo character, evocative of the times when cartoons were much more innocent.
This is a portrait of a Malibu, a female kangaroo I met on the muck. She was wearing a police uniform like this, and started to imagine how a 'roo would look in an uniform... well, behold the results of these thoughts! And yes, I DO have a thing with 'roos. :) Malibu is © her player.
Rocky is a cuddly 'coon from Texas who always has a time for his friends, and Artie Roo is one of them. A few days ago, he met Artie in his home at FM and used an airbrush to add Artie a racoon mask and some rings on his tail. He converted Artie in a somewhat odd racoon, although he has to teach him how to chiiiiiiiiirrr properly. <:) Rocky is © M. Jackson
This is the second pic I made for the university work I had to do in 1994. In this case, it seems like Artie (exactly the same image that appears in sunny.gif) gets involved in a sorta manifestation... and well, the idea of this pic was to show how a simple image may vary depending on the background. What do you think?
This is one of the drawings I made for a work I had to do in the university, when I was studying mass communication in Uruguay, in 1994. It was about the diferent sense a pic could have under different situations, or such. Note the small pic of a femme looking at the sky. The original had no bikini, and it was very commented in the university. :) I suppose it scandalized Kilo too, cause he didn't accept the "original" one. (Tsk, tsk, it looks like he never was in a Spanish beach) ;)
This picture was made at the time when the final exams were scaring my younger furry friends. If they take studies as idly as Syl ( © Tom Ziolkowski), I don't know if they will promote to the next course... but, what the heck! Life is to be enjoyed. (I would like to know where did Syl get such a text book) ;)
Who said that furries were only a part of sci-fi and fantasy? Furries can be in any kind of stuff that you can ever imagine. Like in this pic, inspired in the age of the sail ships, in 1808 on the English Channel to be exact, this group of furries handle a huge cannon, aiming it on a French frigate... Oh, yes, the cannon is aiming too down, but take in consideration that they're on a ship, and it's moving on the ocean... the next wave will raise the ship and they will shoot it. I think that the name of this pic should be "Wood, Iron and Flesh", but it may sound silly. :)
I've decided to start fiddling with Flash. I thought to do a short "website-like" showcase of my "Kids of the 80s" comics series, and created this small opening screen, to be featured while the animation loads. Those of you who lived the 8-bit era will remember that some games showed a jagged opening graphic like this while the game was being loaded. THAT was precisely my purpose, hence the heavily jagged pic and the few colors! I'll tell you when the animation is available. :)
Miguel Estrugo (Artie_roo)