Here's something different! Doc's ink, brushpen, and photoshop to the max. This was done as a trade for Ashril. You can see her stuff at
This was actually just sort of a sample image that turned out good. It's a drawing of my character Mandy colored with Doc Martin's condensed watercolors on scrap stonehenge. I was trying to see how the inks would work on something cheaper than watercolor paper. And umm... I ended up spending a lot of time on it adding other stuff too.
Portrait of Mandy. This was done in Prismamarker and pencil, PITT artist pen, and white acrylic. It looks totally different here than it does in real life because it seemed to me at the time that nothing but a heavy-handed filter could make up for how bad the scan was.
This is a rat character of mine named Piper. I used prisma marker and pencil, PITT artist pen, white acrylic, crappy watercolors, and photoshop for some color adjustments.
I drew this for a friend. It's my character Mandy (kitty) and her character Yalia (ferret), and I would guess they're about to get in a fight or something. I inked this with crowquill which always ends up kinda messy and splattery. The color was done with Doc Martin's condensed watercolor with a few touches of gouache wherever I made mistakes or needed a highlight.