< 1/3— Lonnie DiNello (Dalia) —3/3 >
Unfinished sketchiness. I really like Dalia's face in this. Tiberious still needs some work though.
"Say goodnight Gracie." "Goodnight Gracie!" Greyhounds aren't the most intelligent of animals, but they are so damn cute! Everyone should go out and adopt one today. Gracie was created with marker and color pencil on a 5x7 piece of bristol. She was reworked from a 2 year old sketch. Never throw away your art! Old sketches are the best source for inspiration.
I was lucky to host a couple crazy Canadians for Anthrocon this year, one of which was Amy "Lyosha" Fennell. She gave me some beak lessons and I've been practicing diligently. I also studied one of Dark Natasha's gryphon pics to practice the feather details. Inking is Fun!
I'm back from Anthrocon and all my guests have flown home. Here is a little miniflood of stuff from the con, to be followed shortly by a miniflood of badges and sketches as I recieve them. A while ago Mel Skunk introduced me to a breed of horse called the Gypsy Vanner. I've since been informed they are also called Irish Tinkers, but this piece is based off the first name I knew them by. As always, this was done with prisma color markers, colored pencils, and gel pens.
Here's a 5x7 piece I finished for the Anthrocon art show. I'm working to the last minute! Jen "Spunky" Seng and I will be at table 34 in the dealer's room, come by and say hi!
One! One picture! Mu ha ha ha ha ha! It's a dippy hippy vixen, rescued from my sketchbook and brought to live in Prismacolor. Dare I hope my block is broken?
A con badge for the Purple Vixen.
The culmination of a running gag of sketches from Sushi Night last Tuesday. Note Jen's Squidgy on Dalia's shoulder. He's her new best friend. :) You can see all the other sketches at
My hippocampus couple colored. Colors inspired by Christopher Riese Lassen.
My friend Steve's character, Iyu, in color, still trying to make that shot. Iyu © Steve Domanski
This is Jynxx, my half of an art trade with Bill "13:11" McEvoy. I'm very happy to know that I'm not the only one disturbed by singing belly buttons. I cringe everytime that commercial comes on.
Kazin's con badge from CACE.
Here's another reworked 2 year old sketch. Originally titled "Spring Hare" and part of my season's quartet, her name got changed to Luanne during a King of the Hill episode. She just looks like she has her namesake's personality. Color pencil and Marker on Bristol.
Happy 18th Birthday to everyone's favorite Spotty Butt! I cooked this up quick in Illustrator, I definately need the practice.
This piece was done as an illustration for "The Significance of Siam," a story by Corey Kellgren. Both the picture and the story are published in issue #3 of "Anthrolations" by SofaWolf press. Check them out at
This started out as a little thumbnail sketch, but then I decided to color it. The image is actually this size, I thought it was a cute idea since mice are small anyhow.
Moonblade, a companion piece to Warhorse. She's a Scottish Highland Cow. If I get her colored up nice, she'll be in the Anthrocon artshow.
The color version of my Scottish Highland Cow.
This picture is a commission inspired by my original Orcashire picture. This is a female Orcashire basking in the shallows under the moon.
Mr. Innocent, my first successful fox picture.
I started this picture of Dalia as a child back in 98. I rediscovered it this weekend, finished inking and colored it.
Here's an older pic I posted recently to my art Live Journal, Beerhorse. I penciled this picture about 2 years ago, inked and colored the husky and the night sky about one year ago, and slapped a background on it Friday night. I'm still not sure what I think of it. :)
Another commission. This character is black king cheetah lady.
"You want me to eat WHAT now???" Chapter 3 from "The Trials and Tribulations of Interspecies Dating" by Dalia Ironhoof. I attempted to be more experimental with my colors in this piece. Upon retrospect, a purple would have been a more likely choice for the shading of the pony's shirt.
An Orcashire Hippocampus. I got this idea talking to Chaos, the largest of the Horse breeds combined with the largest of the Dolphins. By the way, I love these friendly Yerf art wars, keep it up. You all are doing a great job.
Another pencil piece I did for a friend of mine who had a hard day at the vet. It's Otterdoc and a cute lil golden retreiver puppy, both of which are firsts for me.
I've got gryphon's and snowy owls (Yay Hedwig!) on the brain, this is the result. I think in the next try I'd give Fluffy a linx or bobcat (are they the same thing?) body instead, it seems to me that the sizes would be more of a realistic fit together. This will be up at Arisia, a local sci-fi con in Boston this weekend.
Lyosha's been challenging me to draw gryphons. This is my version of a peacock gryphon based off of the Windstone Dragon statue Skorzy has sitting on top of the TV. He'll be at Midwest Furfest as well. The gryphon, not Skorzy.
Dalia and her giant friend, Phaeton, enjoy a ocean sunset. Prisma Color Pencils and watercolors on another piece of paper that was never meant to get wet. Sorry about the wrinkles.
Two pieces of artwork created in Illustrator for my class Logo project. I gave it the simple background so you could see the white parts without me adding outlines to them.
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