< 1/5— Audrey Walker (KrazyKlaws, WolfDreamer) —3/5 >
A frisbee catching Cerberus.
This painting took me a long time to finish, but I think it was worth it. The real product looks a whole lot better. Watercolors and colored pencil. I'd appreciate any comments or crits on this one.
It's my Birthday gift to me...I'm so happy! Taking a paycheck to the art store, Mmmm, *Drools*
Just some sketches of a werewolf character that came to mind one day. Prolly won't get any farther than this.
Hooray for marketing and synergy! ;)
A random lioness. OK, I lied, she's not random. She has a history and stuff, but I'm not at liberty to talk about it right now. ©Me, as usual
Inspired by the Richard Marx song, 'Hazard'. I'm very happy with how this came out. It got a little scanner mangled, so I may reupload later. I want Silver pants. ;)
Maybe it's the Elvis, or the corny pick up lines that never seem to work (Well, accept apparently on me), the shades, or the prevalant use of hair gel that made me do it, but I just couldn't help myself. ;) The Zipp in my favorite Bravo-esque pose. Yeah, whatever.
Experimentation with light and color. I like how it looks, all warm and snuggly. ;)
"When my insides are wracked with anxiety, you have the touch that will quiet me. You lift my spirits, you melt the ice...when I need inspiration, when I need advice, I turn to you..." Lyrics ©Mel C.
My half of the art trade with Heather Reedy. ;)
Deals Justice with Swiftness and honor--Lupus--Philodox of the Red Talons. Art©Krazyklaws
A little logo type thingy I did for my sister-in-law's 17 B-day. =)
I think Erin M.'s Kit is sooo cute! His perpetually sour expressions inspired this little strip. And indroducing Duke in his comic debut. Way to make friends Duke! Kit is © Big bad Robot Erin! Duke © Me.
And...part 2! Yay! Kit is © Erin M. Duke © Me.
Our first Valentine's day, made extra special. Awwww. ;)
KK, in color. Colored pencil and Watercolor crayons. ;) I was thinking of adding a watercolor wash in the background...but was very afraid of messing it up. Should I go for it?
The weather's getting better, maybe even up to 80's this week! Krazyklaws/image©2001
What a creep... Just stick this between Adam and Brian's pics. Yeah, it's a pretty cheap bg, I know. o.O Oh Well...continue the story anyone?
"I did what I felt I had to do, and I know that it hurts me too." I feel like the fates of misfortune are playing a round of 'top this' with my life these days.
Bored at work....I really like this one, the pose and overall how it's looking. Will probably color it soon.
Me pounce Puck and Brer! ;)
Krazyklaws as she appears on Arctic Thunder as a pup. =) KK is always and forever © Me
I'm working on my first fantasy type story..something to get myself out of a rut. Hopefully working on something a bit different will get those creative juices flowing again. Anyway, this is a first design of the main character/hero. No name yet.
And this is another character. The Kangaroos are normally magic users, not warriors, except for a small, secret village...
Acrylic on 14x11 masonite. Along with "Scout", this pic will also be put up for auction on furbid within the next few days.
The creation between my bad mood and watching Tomb Raider. Rar. I like the inking on it.
Well, I never got around to finishing coloring this, but Happy Holidays everyone! ;)
More Krazyklaws and Zipp. They just can't keep their hands off each other, must be all the black leather. heh. ;)
Krazyklaws again...*Purrr* :)
< 1/5— Audrey Walker (KrazyKlaws, WolfDreamer) —3/5 >