"Sweet Balm and her twister sister" I don't understand the title either. All I know is that it's what's written next to the rough of this in my sketchbook, with an arrow pointing to the figure.
I really hate goodbyes. But it's even worse when you don't get to say goodbye. My dog Penny died last month, not too long after my birthday. She died of natural causes we think. But man. She was family. She was a friend. I'll miss her.
Cliff and "C" in action from the Spy crisis Proyect. Im in love with the digital airbrush!! Note: cliff is the red one!! "Hand drawn , Inked and colored in Flash Mx ,shading in Photoshop 7" ///////////////////// CLIFF Y C en accion. de mi projecto " Spy crisis" (debo buscar un buen nombre en espa%F1ol) Cliff es el rojo "dibujo a lapiz Tintas y colores en Flash Mx , y sombreado en Photoshop 7
Ambulocetus, the walking whale, meets his long-lost cousin, the cow. (Okay, they split off millions of years before anything resembling the modern cow, but compared to the gulf between me and some of MY relatives...) Needless to say, the dodo is still infuriated by it all.