<September 30, 2004>
An illustration for an action, in this case "catch". Marker and colored pencil.
Right guy: Why do we fight? Left Guy: beacuse we are less human Than yesterday! Alternative title: How to learn opencanvas with out losing your mind at the same time! arrrrrrr!!!!! Colorfull peacefull moments before the war!! (characters and artwork © Jose M Balanzario "Psicoyote")
My very first con-badge, for Conifur 2004.
"Summer Sun-Days," (15"x20", oil on canvas). It was such a beautiful day today... I just _had_ to take some time out and do something fun with the Pack. Portrait of my Peter Pan, ("Buddha-P") thinking of those lazy, warm, late-summer afternoons. (Re-upload on account of the painting now being dry enough to scan and not leave itself on the scanner. ;P )
Sketchbook sketch for Trystan.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUNCAN!!! My first time using real media in about two years, seeing as I'd stupidly left my colored pencils n' tools at my parents' house when I moved out. But I have recovered them, and am rekindling my love for real art schtuffs. So naturally... the scanner completely ATE this scan. The original is so much nicer in person!!! Disappointed wulfy. But as long as Duncan likes it, that's all I care :) Happy Birthday, you big green booger! [Duncan © 2004 by himself; Spunky © 1999 by Jen Seng] -- [Sept. 30, 2004]
I'm trapped at work with just Photoshop and Illustrator and I've finished up all my projects. So I'm just sitting here with a few spare minutes of free time before I get more assignments. Therefore, more random gift art. For Likeshine :) [Likeshine © 2004 by Melissa Sumby] -- [Sept. 30, 2004]
I had a hard time getting up this morning.
<September 30, 2004>