<August 13, 2004>
So while waiting for something exciting to happen with Hurricane Charley, I was watching Animal planet and drawing. A Burro. Because Burros are cute.
My entry for TP67. Shelley M's Dawndra. Acrylic paint. I put a lot in this piece... It's called "Reflections" And it's kindof about personal evolution.
Another 'Charley' pic. This is my character Zegate. He's a cross between an Okapi and an African Wild Dog. He also personifies my computer. Look, he's pretending to be all cute and innocent-like.
An Imperfect Circle - watercolor and pencil, 2004
Ahkahna is © Hannah Spute (now that I have learned how to spell both her name and her dragoness's name correctly. :D) For her. Heck, I don't even know her, but I wanted to make her feel good. ^^;
<August 13, 2004>