<July 27, 2004>
It's me, sporting my recently finished pride and joy. This counts as my personal photo, right?
Aliens are always trying to steal my cows!
"Those who look for wisdom sometimes seek out he who is lord of the opossums, for he is the oldest king of the beasts of the wood. They are oft sorely disappointed, for what secrets of old he once knew, he has forgotten."
I've debated uploading these here for a while now. Yes, they're just the mood icons for my LiveJournal, but i put a considerable amount of work into them, and am very happy with the result. Micron ink, Prismacolor markers, and some computer editing.
Yet another comission from Billy, his character Jerint. This one took a while to do, but the result is satisfactory.
<July 27, 2004>