<July 23, 2004>
A B+W rendering of a major turning point in the Under The Lemon Tree universe: Ben's proposal to Lily. I'm auctioning off the original art at --- closes 7/30/04, so bid while you can.
Raccoon triplets. Cajun style, no less.... another original B+W work up for auction...
Too much RO >_>;
grandfathered artist's revenge.
It's been a slow day so far at the office, and so I'm putzing around in Illustrator, since it's really the only way I can properly "ink" stuff here at the office w/o my Microns. As a result, meet Grapeshot, my malformed lump of a dog. I like round, simple, ridiculous little creatures, and Grapeshot is no exception :) But Piyo is still better ;) [Grapeshot © 2004 by Jen Seng] -- [Jul. 23, 2004]
<July 23, 2004>