<June 21, 2004>
I got Mitya for this month's Trading Post, and this is what I produced. I looked off a photo for help with the piano.
"Mako-ver" Peculiar allergic reactions to an equally peculiar new line of cosmetics. (In other words, more creepy art from yours truly--though the pun was Fireant's fault.)
Aronis' Mini-Menagerie...drawn sub-par; it still retains its oh-so-cuteness.
SHEESH--This shower is occupied! Inspired by, yet sorry-in-comparison to, T's awesomegreat 'Odditor' series. :)
"Weredolphin" I'm not a freak, I swear.
A concept sketch roughed up in Painter. I think it's a bit different from my usual. Sorry for it's sketchy crapness...I just wanted to show the idea off. :3
"O' Lenny, we hardly knew thee!" It's an old gag; I found this on my hard drive, which I drew for giggles last year. If you don't understand the image, you haven't been listening three hours a day. ;-D
Ash, profile images and such things for the most popular character from the online comic, Sink or Swim. (Cliche' Kangaroo thief. ;)
<June 21, 2004>