<June 4, 2004>
'The Arrangement' No artists' convention show panel is complete without at least ONE egyptian-themed painting.
A few years ago I got to do illustrations for an article in Dragon called "Legends of the Lost Vale". It was all about sentient dino-things. (This made the Anthony-creature very, very happy.) Painter 7.1, ©2001TSR.
Here's a piece I've been meaning to upload for a while. This was done for the back cover of BMI issue no. 8. I thuroughly enjoyed Christina Hanson's comic, so it was a treat to get the chance to paint one of the key characters. Holly's a medium. She's been possessed five times over the course of her life. This experience with the "enemy" gives her an empathy normally lacking in such storylines. Thus the five eyes--the possessed in this world manifest the state as having a demon eye in the center of the forehead.
And yet another Magic card, done with real stuff! This one's all watercolor. That's the first painting media I really fell in love with. It's still my default when I go to paint. This was for the Alliances card deck, from about a zillion years ago. Apes are friggin' cool, that's all I have to say. ©1996 WOTC.
Another Magic card and another gouache painting! This was my second, Lex's Rage card being the first attempt at finished gouache work. There's some watercolor in this one, too, mostly as underpainting. ©1997 WOTC.
Old Magic art, back from the days when I used "analog" media. Yep, them was the days! Anyhoo, this was...98? 99? Something like that. Gouache on board. I made the crop large enough that some of the unfinished areas show. Bad me! ©1998 WOTC.
A dry point print of a Griffon. Mmmm.
After watching episode after episode of Naruto..I have become a bit obsessed. Behold! The Ki-Rin Nin!
commision for john astburry for a freind done in painter and adobe 5.5
An avatar for MZDM.
Justin Case anyone wants to do that "peek behind the curtain" thing... here are the wireframes and bone-weights for "Feelin' Pretty." (Lots of folks on the 3D forums ask... thought there might be some here also who'd groove on this kind of "Oh, that's how he did it" thing. :)
<June 4, 2004>