<May 24, 2004>
More fuzzy flirty critters
Magic the Gathering card for the latest expansion showing a monster getting sucked into--or emerging from--a violent vortex. Working title: 'Fold into Ether'. Pencils and inital paints by yours truly, amazing finishing work by Anthony 'Fireant' Waters. Unfortunately thanks to a little post-production hiccup, I wasn't credited on the cards themselves.
Magic the Gathering card for the latest expansion showing a feline critter showing off his formidable weaponry. Working title: 'Leonin Bracers'. Pencils and inital paints by yours truly, amazing finishing work by Anthony 'Fireant' Waters. Unfortunately thanks to a little post-production hiccup, I wasn't credited on the cards themselves. All Magic-related art/themes/etc is copyright Hasbro/WotC
Magic the Gathering card for the latest expansion showing a viscous mutated 'Nim' zombie. Working title: 'Nim Monstrosity'. Pencils and inital paints by yours truly, amazing finishing work by Anthony 'Fireant' Waters. Once again, you won't find my name on the card. >.< Copyright WotC/Hasbro
Magic the Gathering card for the latest expansion showing a frothing, giant Vorrac. Working title: 'Savage Might'. Pencils and inital paints by yours truly, amazing finishing work by Anthony 'Fireant' Waters. Once again, you won't find my name on the card. >.< Copyright WotC/Hasbro
Doodle for the LJ Art Dragon sketchbook pass-around. I've had this critter in mind lately as a potential logo design for Moonstone Wind's website, and I had to get him down on paper. This fairy dragon is based off the male Malyasian moon moth (Actias maenas, related to the luna moth of the US and others), and is my favorite species of saturniid. :)
Web host ftp is still broken. This is today's comic.
It's a Timedragon, for my eventual website... thing. It creeps me out. In other news, I have a working scanner again!
<May 24, 2004>