<May 18, 2004>
Badge for Frysco of his rainbow lorikeet grey fox griffon character. Flash and Photoshop.
Badge for Labinnah of her redheaded, behorned, striped hyena character. Flash and Photoshop.
This was for Green Ronin's the Secret College of Necromancy d20 book. You've got your basic undead dragon, with escort. Painted in Photoshop. (©2001 Green Ronin)
Hey! It's the underdrawing for my one and only Rage card. I did this in trade for a wonderful resin-cast Werewolf skull made by Lex Nakashima. The pup that's getting her tail pummeled is Freida, Lex's sweet husky. Lex now owns the painting.
Anybody remember the Rath Cycle storyline from Magic? No? Neither do I. Well, that's a lie--I remember the characters I enjoyed. One of the things I got to do while working there was re-design Tangarth, the Talruun Minotaur. He spent some time in Volrath's torture chambers and came out looking like this. (I had some really wild designs, but they got nixed as being "too dark". Whatever that means.)
Thought people might like to see a tighter shot of Sky Pilot. (The original's pretty big!)
The long dog days of summer have begun. At least they have in my head, as whenever I wake up during daylight, I hear the droning of cicadas in my head whether or not they are actually outside. Actual cicadas really have nothing to do with this image. Done in colored pencils with a bit of black ink. Its been sitting around unfinished since November but I needed something to warm up my fingers after taking a badge break.
Commissioned badge of a theme rather than a character. The theme being, Dance. Done in colored pencils, black ink and a few dots of gold gel pen.
Colorful fish, dark bird. 'Happiness' is the title, but that's not necessarily all it means.
<May 18, 2004>