<May 4, 2004>
my final for my techniques class. looks better in person, not so mcdonalds. oh yeah...acrylics again
A picture I did for cari - --- Yay for chameleons and SuSE Linux! Aerika is property of Carissa Russell. OMG I forgot to put this before! The poster in the back is... ©ADV Films.
One of my characters - Calyce. (ka-lee-key). . . eating a banana. It's a really deep and meaningful picture. I must note, I hate colouring pencil in PS. This is pencil, not ink. It's kind of sloppy because I got mad at it while colouring it. I need pens, but they cost money.
A gift for Ashryn. ^_^ Happiness! Katsu is mine. Ashryn is Beth Schultz's o_O
My main character Katsu. Yay, summer? . . . that weird thing is a beachball.
Everyone loves Granmama Tapir- she's so tolerant of the young'uns.
<May 4, 2004>