<May 2, 2004>
Workart! This'll be the cover of the councelor training manual, and belongs to my boss, so please don't eat it. I love my job :)
More art for work - a spot illo for a sci-fi themed game.
A project for my Adobe Illustrator class where we had to design the label/logo for a tea brand, coffee, wine, or beer. I chose tea. Sort of a collaboration between my dad and I, where he helped me with ideas for composition, text design and research, but for the most part its all mine..especially the fuzzy wuzzy little dwaggy! =) Okay I'm done.
In the wee hours of the night, I woke, clutched my husband's shoulder, and said "I've got it! If storks carry babies, vultures must carry zombie babies!" He said (quite clearly) "What the HELL, man...?" and then fell immediately back asleep. He later disavowed all memory of this incident, but I painted it anyway, 'cos who doesn't love vultures and zombie babies?
<May 2, 2004>