<April 30, 2004>
Commissioned badge for Lostwolf. Done in colored pencil and black ink. Those peachy and otherwise washed out looking bits in the background and lettering? Neon pencils that refused to scan and be edited to anything remotely close to reality. *sighs* Ah well, its what I get for trying something different. I -do- actually like the original though insofar as coloration. Some characters are just nigh-on impossible to match to a background if you follow their descs as much as possible. Lostwolf is © her creator. Art is © 2oo4 to Arphalia.
A dragon which has fallen from the blue sky into the sea is searching for his way back.
Concept art. Of wolves. Yay!
It's a pangolin. In a hammock. With masked lovebirds. And that's about all I know, really. Mixed media on watercolor paper attached to board, 18 x 24.
<April 30, 2004>