<April 11, 2004>
If I were a newt, I would eat glo-bones.
Main chracter from my freshman film, all decked out in disco for the end credits. (photoshop)
It's me and my dragon. This picture will be used for my comic book.
A picture for the celebration of Songkrant, the New Year's Day of Thias.
Lisa Payne's Novalee for the Trading Post. The feet are weird, I can't do big cartoon feet. I suppose I should try to fix them, if I ever find the file again. Adobe Illustrator.
It's a carnie giraffe with a mullet... and I don't have much more to say about that. Inspired by Target commercials. AI
Newest picture: This is the lame standing character picture, as opposed to the lame sitting and lame prancing in water picture.:D My character Gren Anansie in gyspy attire. AI again.
This is a picture of my Boyfriend and my characters that we made for a superhero rpg... just as furries. I used a photo reference, that I can't find, but felt I should mention. Colored in AI.
The warthog is dreadfully underrepresented. I decided to give him (her?) a flower and a pet chameleon just to round out the ensemble. (11 x 14, mixed media)
Decided to revisit the Wombat Tarot again--this time the "Strength" card, where our wombat maiden subdues the mighty echidna, king of beasts, through purity of heart and a handy daisy leash.
Happy Easter.
<April 11, 2004>