<March 28, 2004>
This is Purr, jungle cat, a humble painter. She's naive about the world, but is always ready to help a stranger in need. Sketchy sketchy! I sketchy sketchy. It only took me about 30 minutes to draw this with a mechanical pencil, and maybe an hour or two to paint it in Photoshop.
Beaks are best for leering! And getting oni to punch you in your obnoxious pointy bird-face.
That's what happens when you see the sun again.
My mate wasn't too happy the other day, so i drew this to try and cheer him up... I only meant for it to be a sketch, but i kept working it, n thus, here you have it!
Wind God card for Mage Warfare. Image © Gogra Games.
Drawn for a friend, this is my take on "Captain Cat". Great excuse to draw big hands n' feet! [Captain Cat © 1979 by James R. Bond] -- [Sept. 02, 2002] (Re-upload due to copyright arguments amongst the character creator and requester of this particular image.)
<March 28, 2004>