<February 16, 2004>
For Magic: the Gathering's latest expansion. Working title of this card was 'Hydravoltus', but I can't recall the final name. Drawn by yours truly and colored by the amazing Anthony Waters ( this piece and all Magic-related dohickeys are now copyright WoTC.
Dragon I did quickly that I'm gonna try to pimp out at an upcoming roleplay con. :) Graphite on 15" x 18" parchment imitation paper.
Just a little something I colored in photoshop (I had the sketch for a while) for Ashi on Valentine's day. Because I caved in and got the urge to be mushy about it.
It's a little known fact that ferrets can restore balance to the universe. (watercolor, micron pen)
Fact #1: Peacocks are male. The females are known as Peahens, and they're far more plain looking. Fact #2: This is a guy in drag ;) (watercolor, ballpoint pen)
Emmit Cenoven, kenaki pirate. Same as the old one, except... not.
Trying to overcome may artist's block by experimenting with a differnt shading technique.
Don't let those dirty dishes pile up! --Another one of Jinge, because she's nifty. Photoshop painting.
Randy Sandford took some great fall pictures of a waterfall in Alabama, so I wanted to do a painting based on the area with a similar composition but with obvious artistic liberties taken on the overall appearance. Three wolves investigate a creek and waterfall. 12%94x16%94 acrylic paint on canvas.
Something for the trading post. Its McKenzie as Cyndi Lauper. Heh =)
Whole lotta doodling on the Wacom. This is for all my Cub Scout kiddo's, and will be on the program cover for our Pack's Blue and Gold party. This year's theme: Fiesta!
<February 16, 2004>