<January 9, 2004>
Over the course of 42 pages, I've gone from hating Jonathan to loving the character, which comes from drawing him so often and actually putting thought into what he's doing. This is the end of Chapter 2 in the book, and from now on, I'll be uploading to the comic's own web site,, and not here. Not to say I won't upload here... you know what I mean.
A cheetah and her...uh...I've been calling it a griffakeet, but the bird it's based on is actually a Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot (bird geek!) The hindquarters are those of a leopard. They're either on guard duty or thinking about going fishing. Done in watercolor and gouache.
Fanart for Chris Goodwin. I worship Goodwin, yes I does. Edited for Yerfability.
When the farmer goes away, the foxes come out on the old farm fence to play.. sold last year at FC, reappearing in print form at my table this year. *vanishes again*
This file got lost in my hard drive during a computer transition last year; many thanks to Jeff for reminding me! The original is a 9x12" bristol inked with microns and a sharpie, featuring Skorzy and Caerrick in a sloshing drunken joy-fest. This piece basically killed my pens, but it was well worth it :) [Skorzy & Caerrick © 2003 by Jeff Rogers] -- [Sept. 2003]
<January 9, 2004>