<December 5, 2003>
You have GOT to be ABSOLUTELY kidding me.
I can't believe it... This little trend bandwagon to hell has resurrected me from my grave so that I may soil my hands in its filth, in hopes of DESTROYING it. It ain't gonna happen. People will STILL make these darn things... I'm just hoping this message will slow it all down. Anyhow, this was hand-drawn, then colored in Photoshop blah blah... Trent © Matt Burt YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF LEMMINGS!! LEEEMMMIIIINGSSS!!
Following the music theme.... For illustration we had to create a poster for a movie, tv show, play, or music group, so I made up a Lizardbeth album and did this. It's 1'x2', one of my biggest drawings of Lizardbeth to date. And it KILLED MY PURPLE MARKERS!! ::cries::
holy monkey, it's not an iPod image!!! Now don't I feel like the weird one.... Anyway, It's Bastek for the trading post. Thank GOD for the snow day that gave me the time to finish this!
Me too, me too!
Happy Birthday Amy Fennell/Lyosha/Spottybutt/Dirty Ho. I really REALLY need to get back to work now... (Many apologies to folks I still owe art to.)
I'm sorry. My wacom pen farted and this came out.
With all the Cototes and Foxes around, Yerf would be the LAST place to leave a dead horse. Gab's source image used with permission (rollicking IRC chat tonight), Digital. Scott Ruggels and Melissa "Gabrielle" Spencer 1 2 / 2 0 0 3
For Bastek, and for the TP. I think I'll upload a detail in a bit, cause I like the green goo area better than the lamp as a whole. Art by R. Korol. Bastek is © T. Hearting.
Here's that detail I promised. Art by R. Korol. Bastek is © T. Hearting.
Another picture for the trading post! I think all I've uploaded now are trading post could call me obsessed. Still, great fun, drawing pictures for people. And it really does get me to draw. Yeah, this is Bastek! Great character.
I'm iPoddedOut, guys! I like these little types of drawings. Watercolours are cool, even fake watercolours -snickers-. I originally wasn't even thinking of uploading it, then I decided it was cute and gave it some painter smoosh.
Oh, what the hey...Pi shills for her corporate masters. Photoshop
"The Gryphon Queen" - The queen of gryphons sitting back on her haunches, enjoying a glass of red wine. (No, not blood, you sanguinary crazies.) Behind her are green silk curtains, embellished with beads and jewels. She is swirling the wine in her glass; a technique that releases its aroma.
Oh, bandwagonesque. Oh, horribly obscure music reference that only one other person in the _world_ will get. Who cares, I had fun... *cries*
One of the two iPod parodies I did at work earlier. I currently work in a book store.
I'm currently running on 3 hours of sleep because Photoshop crashed on me yesterday. FUN! Also posted/made at work today.
Like Claire and Chelsea, iGeek also. keeping the wagon alive.
Falling off the bandwagon... for now. Dunno what this fella' is. I think he's some unique sort of Djinn, but hey, i just draw 'em; how am *I* supposed know what they are ^-^ (watercolor, ballpoint pen, black ink pen)
eheh... um... yeah... His comic'll be back shortly, soon as I make the web page. Until then, bandwagon.
Did iEver mention that iLove bandwagons? :) And I hope I found the reason why I had to upload this pic three times. Apparently Yerf doesn't allow CMYK files, but it doesn't return an error message either. So here it is in all its RGB glory. :)
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
yep...I'm a hillbilly...yee-haw! ^_^
Memetic viruses...
iForgive you, Jeng. Now iHope PacRat can forgive me.
For the Trading Post, because I get to bost that I actually know Bastek, and I wish that made me cooler, or something. Yay.
Roycecoon said it would make me feel better if I did this, so I did... and hey, I do feel a little better. All he's got are SNOWMAN hands! Make fun of it. And, I know I've been uploading far too often lately. I will stop for now, I promise. o_o;
iCantBelieveIDidOneToo. Reeba shamelessly stolen from Scotty.
I can't dance, either, forgive me. I've hardly slept this week and really should be in bed right about now, but I drew this instead. Whee! Wacom Tablet-y goodnesss (still working on my tablet skills).
Sing it with Me: (to the xmas tune of 'Grandma got runover') "Oh I just got runover by the Uploads, signin' onto Yerf one Winter's Eve... you can say there's no such thing as Bandwagons, but as for me an' iPod, we believe." :-P
iSorry. iVerySorry. iT's been a week now since iStarted this whole iPod mess iNadvertently, and iVeryVerySorry. iT wasn't on purpose, iSwear!!! iNnocent! *stifled snicker* Okay, so maybe I'm not all that sorry ;) But it was too good a final gag pic to pass up! This will be the last of my iPod images that I'll inundate you poor souls with here on Yerf; the rest that I do will be available on T! :) CheeriO, Podlings! [Spunky © 1999 by Jen Seng; iPod design © 2003 by Apple Co.] -- [Dec. 05, 2003]
I'm too poor to afford bandwagons. Not that Hyper Death Rays are useful for anything other then burning cities and reheating cheeseburgers.
<December 5, 2003>