<December 2, 2003>
In-progress. Portrait of myself as After, after working out. Thanks to the people who have helped with this. Will be replaced with final.
Older picture, but I'm still quite fond of the background, and it's actually my character. It's Aerin. Standing in the snow. w00t.
"Waiting for the Worms", moodier picture done for Fredryk. Very, very, VERY much Pink Floyd inspired. Mmm, Pink Floyd.
A picture I did for Turbine Divinity during his Trading Post. For a while I managed to produce some of my best stuff for the Trading Posts and this is one of my favorite pieces, especially the background and the tree. I love that tree.
A picture I did for Kilojara during her Trading Post. More red then I'd usually use but I rather like how it came out.
Picture for JILL or MERCURY PALE. I can't spell her last name. :<<< Stop laughing at me.
Bastek: Wings on Backwards.
See Viledove the robot snakebird. See Viledove the robot snakebird get owned by a ninja snowball. *PWN*, snowball, *PWN*.
For nightsky bluewyrm, done while at anthrocon 2003!
Inspired by Jen's awesome iPod-related images. It's true, iPod r0z0rz. I don't have one yet, but my lovey-boy does, and he lets me play with it. I might be getting one soon though! Yay! And in case anyone is wondering what these images are based on, go here: woot. Shake yo' booty mama.
For a really sweet guy who wanted a picture. I chose to do his characetr holding his partner as a little stuffed animal. AAAWWWW! PlurWolfy is © his player, Kel the purple snowleopard is his player. All photoshop. And good lord, I think I am gtting better at digital fur. A little better.
My new (and first) cheesecake character, Spring. She was originally done as a practice in on-the-spot character design. Her final colors have changed a bit from this, but not by much.
My first attempt at actually 'using' Photoshop, so bear with me. There's a blank background version on my site if anyone wants to take a crack at it.
My new pinup characters, Spring and Robinmus Magnus. I saw pinup because of my crappy track record with keeping up with regular storylines and comics, these two will remain strictly pinup characters. Check out my website for more info on these two.
Tooned-up versions of Spring and Magnus. Happy!
I simply couldn't resist, for I am a weak, weak person. Plus, I love my iPod. And I am a geek. Just a little surprise gift for the Skorz :) [image © 2003 by Jen Seng; iPod design © 2003 by Apple Co.] -- [Dec. 02, 2003]
<December 2, 2003>