<November 23, 2003>
A long overdue half of an art trade- it had been finished for a long time but was saved in an odd directory and was forgotten. Here ya go, FluffMuffin!
"A Beer-Belting Bulldog is Burglarized by a Bandit in a Bar" - My B-themed piece for the Print Book to benefit Yerf. Micron Inks colored with prismacolor markers and dry watercolor pencils on bristol paper. Image © R. Korol. Keep an eye on the "Advertisements" forum for news on when the prints from this project will go on sale.
Another "yes I still live" post. A drawing of a very fluffy pine marten done for a friend! (Colored pencil.)
So what happens when Hel gets a hot date going on with Anubis? I honestly don't know either. pencil on illustration board
This is what happens when i listen to too much Jason Mraz. Besides, there really is nothing that can make one feel so incredibly one with the universe as lying naked in the dandelion patch. ... even if they're not really dandylions. (micron pen, watercolor)
For those of you who like clean art, here's a clean pic of Jed. I've been doing so much junk for school that I haven't gotten to work much with my Real Media (needed for commissions), so this was some practice with prismacolor markers and pencils to shake out the cobwebs...
A meeting of opposites - sea and sky, earth and fire, male and female, warmth and coolness. For Sarah Troutman, who requested a pine marten mix when I met her nearly a year ago (that's her hybrid with the wings); I used a songbird instead of the requested parrot or parakeet, since I felt it blended better. Pine marten and black-eared tanager, least weasel and spotted eagle ray mix.
Logo for the first italian site dedicated to furry literature, 'Animalia'.
On going commission-type dealy... something. Check it out. It's erfie! And me! And I really hate the snow. Grrr.
This is one of those convention sketches that came home, like a lost pet. It is at conventions that I seem to do my best work, so you see why it delights me that Cheetaur scanned this.
An updated photo of Ras and the Pack and me. Mushing the Goldstream Valley, November, 2003. (Photograph by Miriam Taylor-Cooper.)
Commission, barn swallows at their home in an evergreen. Peahen tailfeather.
Beatrix, goddess of energy. Another of the deities in my comic book.
Playing around with my watercolors agan. :)
<November 23, 2003>