<October 16, 2003>
He'd just love to marinate your children and serve them to his guests over basmati with a side of fresh greens and toasted veggies.
"Evanescence" - A portrait of my sister's colour-shifting gryphon, Evanescence. The scanner chopped off pieces, blah. DISCLAIMER: She has absolutely nothing to do with that atrocious, whiney gothic band. A vocabulary lesson: Evanescence: n. the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight. She does what her name implies. My sister created this character years before the band even appeared. Evanescence is copyrighted to Grace Muchmore. (She's oh so tired of the e-mail floods. If you like the band, fine, but don't be obnoxious about it.)
The setup is done... this is where the story begins. I wanted this page to be really cool, and kept putting it off today because I was worried it wouldn't turn out how I wanted it to, but I like how it ended up.
Oooh, ahhh.
Twapa and Snitter... I did this to have some arkwork for the RFF Calendar, and also because I'm going to sell the original on furbid as soon as I put some kind of BG on the real thing... The characters are prismacolor pencils and markers and the cheesy BG is photoshop.
<October 16, 2003>