<September 10, 2003>
I wasn't totally satisfied with my first Trading Post entry, so I did this one to enter instead. Darn me and my indecisiveness!
Ohh well my newest goal is to take my OLD Feline Force story, start completely from scratch with it. My problem is I can't think of anything good! While thinking I doodled this up, it wasn't what I pictured in my mind but I still like it.
My entry for this week's Trading Post- yay for snake/ocelot spot coordination! Inked with microns, not vector... My faith in my solid inking has been restored- huzzah!
The Red Kirin dances with Fire. This is a long-awaited color job of an older piece. For sale on Furbid.
Is anybody getting sick of these yet? XD
<September 10, 2003>