<August 24, 2003>
Happy birthday, Luna!
Character design of Gear. Missing his right arm it seems.
This 11 by 14 watercolor (my pencils and colors, Phil Morrissey's inks) will be up for auction at Memphit Furmeet to benefit Tiger Haven ( a no kill sanctuary and rescue facility for big cats. :)
Stupid just-standing around computer toned picture for my web site in progress. This is Spider, one of the two actual main characters of my story, the other being Asander, from the last picture. He's vedrig, one of the humanoid canines (like I'd work on a project without more dog people... ;P), and is designed off an Irish wolfhound. Irish wolfhounds are a great breed. All I've gotten to hang out with have been simply awesome. So good natured... their size isn't nearly as intimidating as it should be.
Please excuse the odd scan, this was far too big to put on the scanner bed and had to be adjusted in PS for perspective. The final print of the samurai tiger I did for AC. Seven color spray paint and stencil print, 28x44 on paper. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
Loud whisper.
<August 24, 2003>